December 16, 2005 at 8:48 am
I have a problem with a DTS. When i execute it directly, it works but when it is executed with SQLAgent i have the following error on line 66 (fil1.copy) :
Error Description: Invalid procedure call or argument
Can you help me ???? Thanks.
' Script Visual Basic ActiveX
Public Function Main()
'| Déclaration variables |
Dim BlnErreur
'| Initialisation variables |
BlnErreur = False
'| Appel des fonctions |
If Not BlnErreur Then
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success
Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Failure
End If
End Function
Public Sub BackupTest()
Dim fso ' New FileSystemObject
Dim DateTmp
Dim Heure
Dim DateComplete
Dim fil1, fil2
Dim Str_def_variable
Dim Str_val_variable
str_sql = "SELECT Str_def_variable, Txt_val_variable, Int_val_variable, Txt_val_variable FROM [Grc_Sofinco].[dbo].[Variables_Tb] WHERE (Str_def_variable LIKE 'Path%') order by Num_sequence"
Set Rcs_Variables_Tb = ouvrirRecordset(str_sql)
While Not Rcs_Variables_Tb.EOF
Str_def_variable = Rcs_Variables_Tb("Str_def_variable")
Str_val_variable = Rcs_Variables_Tb("Txt_val_variable")
If Str_def_variable = "Path_ExportAlertes" Then
Path_ExportAlertes = Str_val_variable '1
End If
DateTmp = Right(CStr(Date), 4) + Mid(CStr(Date), 4, 2) + Left(CStr(Date), 2)
Heure = Left(CStr(Time), 2) + Mid(CStr(Time), 4, 2)
DateComplete = DateTmp + Heure
Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
'Set fil1 = fso.GetFile(Path_ExportAlertes & "AlertesInvalides.txt")
Set fil1 = fso.GetFile("\\icmrecamo\Alertes\ExportAlertes\AlertesInvalides.txt")
fil1.Copy ("\\icmrecamo\Alertes\AlertesInvalides" & DateComplete & ".txt")
Set fil2 = fso.GetFile(Path_ExportAlertes & "AlertesNonAbouties.txt")
fil2.Copy (Path_ExportAlertes & "AlertesNonAbouties" & DateComplete & ".txt")
End Sub
' fonction : ouvrirRecordset
' description : instancie un objet recordset
Public Function ouvrirRecordset(strSQL)
Dim adOpenStatic
Dim adLockReadOnly
Dim adUseClient
adOpenStatic = 3
adLockReadOnly = 1
adUseClient = 3
Set ouvrirRecordset = CreateObject("adodb.recordset")
ouvrirRecordset.CursorLocation = adUseClient
ouvrirRecordset.Open strSQL, "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=grcstat;Persist Security Info=True;User ID=statgrc;database=Grc_Sofinco;Data Source=ICMRECAMO", adOpenStatic, adLockReadOnly
If ouvrirRecordset.activeconnection.errors.Count > 0 Then
Set ouvrirRecordset = Nothing
Exit Function
End If
End Function
December 16, 2005 at 11:30 am
Check the user credentials of the login that SQL Agent is started under. Chances are it doesn't have necessary access permissions to a UNC share.
December 16, 2005 at 12:47 pm
The SQL Agent is started with the local login SYSTEM. Our system administrator said that this login has the appropriate access to the disk...
December 16, 2005 at 12:59 pm
Then you're going to have to make your code more robust & report errors:
Set fil1 = fso.GetFile("\\icmrecamo\Alertes\ExportAlertes\AlertesInvalides.txt")
fil1.Copy ("\\icmrecamo\Alertes\AlertesInvalides" & DateComplete & ".txt")
What happens if the 1st statement fails, and the variable fil1 contains a Nothing reference ? That's exactly the situation that would give you an invalid procedure call ..
Set fil1 = fso.GetFile(\\icmrecamo\Alertes\ExportAlertes\AlertesInvalides.txt)
If fil1 Is Nothing Then
' Do wahtever error handling here, log to Event Log, or package log etc
fil1.Copy ("\\icmrecamo\Alertes\AlertesInvalides" & DateComplete & ".txt")
End If
December 16, 2005 at 1:02 pm
Also note, File.Copy() is a procedure.
That means you either use Call and parentheses, or you omit call and parentheses:
Call fil1.Copy("\\icmrecamo\Alertes\AlertesInvalides" & DateComplete & ".txt")
fil1.Copy "\\icmrecamo\Alertes\AlertesInvalides" & DateComplete & ".txt"
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