February 13, 2007 at 10:46 am
This is driving me absolutley crazy. This function returns ProductIDs stripped out from a memo field based on a check on Product Type (which is also stripped for the checking) and returns a list of ProductIDs based on the type I'm checking for, in other words the @FileFormat
The error: Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
I am passing 2 types of ProductDescriptions to my function below. This function returns ProductIDs by Type, stripped out of a large varchar field. The problem I'm having is that I have 2 checks that check whether the ProductID is MP3 or WAV. The second check is failing.
The 2 types of possible incoming ProductDescriptions for example are:
'These fully-orchestrated royalty free music tracks invoke the spirit of some of the great themes from 1970"s and 1980"s television and film productions and offer majestic brass, string and guitar melodies that will make a memorable addition to projects as background music and production music.<br><br><span class="product-name-no-link">You can also purchase the individual tracks:</span><br><br>01. American Plains <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105234">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105235">WAV</a><br>02. Sultry Summer Night <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105236">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105237">WAV</a><br>03. Ocean Skyline <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105238">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105239">WAV</a><br>04. Wistful Lover <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105240">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105241">WAV</a><br>05. Final Choice <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105242">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105243">WAV</a><br>06. Fun and Free <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105244">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105245">WAV</a><br>07. Wayward Strangers <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105246">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105247">WAV</a><br>08. Savored Moments <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105248">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105249">WAV</a><br>09. Endless Searcher <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105250">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105251">WAV</a><br>10. Bach Piano <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105252">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105253">WAV</a><br>11. Fog Bound Mornings <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105254">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105255">WAV</a><br>'
'Clapping percussion effects characterize this Hip Hop/Urban piece with train sound effects and strings.<br><br><b>Styles:</b> Dramatic,Reflective,Somber/dark<br><br><b>If you like this track, you can save more than <span style='color=#ff0000'>70%</span> by purchasing it on the following albums:</b><br><a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106758">Hip-Hop / Urban</a><br><a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106763">Documentary, Film, Television, General Production - Volume 2</a><br><br>Click <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105747">here</a> for the WAV version of this track.'
The current function I'm trying to fix:
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetProductChildIDs]
@ProductDescription varchar(5500),
@FileFormat varchar(3)
RETURNS varchar(1000)
Declare @Keyword varchar(30),
@KeywordLen tinyint,
@ProductID int,
@Pos smallint,
@StartPos smallint,
@EndPos smallint,
@Result varchar(1000),
@valid int
SET @valid = 0
SET @Keyword = 'ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID='
SET @KeywordLen = LEN(@Keyword)
SET @Result = ''
SET @Pos = 1
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@Keyword, @ProductDescription, @Pos)
If @Pos > 0
SET @StartPos = @Pos + @KeywordLen
SET @EndPos = CHARINDEX('"', @ProductDescription, @StartPos + 1)
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 2, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
IF (len(@ProductDescription) - @StartPos) > 19
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
IF @valid = 1
SELECT @Result = @Result + SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @StartPos, @EndPos - @StartPos) + ','
SET @Pos = @EndPos + 1
RETURN SUBSTRING(@Result,1,len(@Result)-1)
The following checks to see whether the ProductID is WAV or MP3 by checking certain chars after each sequence 'ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID='
SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 2, 3) = @FileFormat - checks if it's a 'WAV' or 'MP3' based on the first type of incoming ProductDescription passed to this function at any time
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) = @FileFormat - checks to see if it's a 'WAV' or 'MP3' ProductID based on the second type of possible incoming ProductDescription.
I found out that the second check fails if there isn't 19 or more chars to check so I tried putting this in:
So I'm not sure how to handle the Nulls in the second IF statement if there are not enough chars to check in the loop for each SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3)
February 13, 2007 at 11:34 am
Try declaring variables @WavPos and @MP3Pos and then replacing:
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 2, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
IF (len(@ProductDescription) - @StartPos) > 19
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
SELECT @MP3Pos = CHARINDEX('MP3', @ProductDescription, @EndPos)
,@WavPos = CHARINDEX('WAV', @ProductDescription, @EndPos)
,@valid = 0
IF @WavPos > 0 AND (@WavPos < @MP3Pos OR @MP3Pos = 0) AND @FileFormat = 'WAV'
SET @valid = 1
IF @MP3Pos > 0 AND (@MP3Pos < @WAVPos OR @WAVPos = 0) AND @FileFormat = 'MP3'
SET @valid = 1
February 13, 2007 at 11:46 am
Interesting approach. Let me ponder that and try it. never thought about doing it this way.
February 13, 2007 at 12:49 pm
Error: Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
Incoming ProductDescription is:
'These fully-orchestrated royalty free music tracks invoke the spirit of some of the great themes from 1970"s and 1980"s television and film productions and offer majestic brass, string and guitar melodies that will make a memorable addition to projects as background music and production music.<br><br><span class="product-name-no-link">You can also purchase the individual tracks:</span><br><br>01. American Plains <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105234">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105235">WAV</a><br>02. Sultry Summer Night <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105236">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105237">WAV</a><br>03. Ocean Skyline <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105238">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105239">WAV</a><br>04. Wistful Lover <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105240">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105241">WAV</a><br>05. Final Choice <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105242">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105243">WAV</a><br>06. Fun and Free <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105244">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105245">WAV</a><br>07. Wayward Strangers <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105246">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105247">WAV</a><br>08. Savored Moments <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105248">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105249">WAV</a><br>09. Endless Searcher <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105250">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105251">WAV</a><br>10. Bach Piano <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105252">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105253">WAV</a><br>11. Fog Bound Mornings <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105254">MP3</a> | <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105255">WAV</a><br>'
ALTER FUNCTION [dbo].[GetProductChildIDs]
@ProductDescription varchar(5500),
@FileFormat varchar(3)
RETURNS varchar(1000)
Declare @Keyword varchar(30),
@KeywordLen tinyint,
@ProductID int,
@Pos smallint,
@StartPos smallint,
@EndPos smallint,
@Result varchar(1000),
@valid int,
@MP3Pos int,
@WavPos int
--@ProductDescription varchar(5500),
--@FileFormat varchar(3)
SET @valid = 0
SET @Keyword = 'ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID='
SET @KeywordLen = LEN(@Keyword)
SET @Result = ''
SET @Pos = 1
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@Keyword, @ProductDescription, @Pos)
If @Pos > 0
SET @StartPos = @Pos + @KeywordLen
SET @EndPos = CHARINDEX('"', @ProductDescription, @StartPos + 1)
SELECT @MP3Pos = CHARINDEX('MP3', @ProductDescription, @EndPos)
,@WavPos = CHARINDEX('WAV', @ProductDescription, @EndPos)
,@valid = 0
IF @WavPos > 0 AND (@WavPos < @MP3Pos OR @MP3Pos = 0) AND @FileFormat = 'WAV'
SET @valid = 1
IF @MP3Pos > 0 AND (@MP3Pos < @WAVPos OR @WAVPos = 0) AND @FileFormat = 'MP3'
SET @valid = 1
IF @valid = 1
SELECT @Result = @Result + SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @StartPos, @EndPos - @StartPos) + ','
SET @Pos = @EndPos + 1
RETURN SUBSTRING(@Result,1,len(@Result)-1)
February 13, 2007 at 1:00 pm
but does your check account for the second type of description, where i'm checking for the word WAV or MP3 in the following string? 'for the WAV version of this track.'
I don't see where it's doing that. Looks to me like it's just checking for WAV or MP3 baed on the first description format
February 13, 2007 at 1:08 pm
I don't understand why you're doing this
< @MP3Pos OR @MP3Pos = 0
The whole idea is to check whether after each instance of ProductID=, after the productID, if it's a WAV or MP3 based on either of the two possible strings that contain WAV or MP3 here:
'for the MP3 version of this track.'
'for the WAV version of this track.'
This check already worked fine for the first type of product description where it ripped out and checked whether 'MP3</a>' or 'WAV</a>':
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 2, 3) = @FileFormat
February 13, 2007 at 1:16 pm
I am thinking this will also not work:
@MP3Pos = CHARINDEX('MP3', @ProductDescription, @EndPos)
Because consider this example incoming ProdDesc:
'Clapping percussion effects characterize this Hip Hop/Urban piece with train sound effects and strings.<br><br><b>Styles:</b> Dramatic,Reflective,Somber/dark<br><br><b>If you like this track, you can save more than <span style='color=#ff0000'>70%</span> by purchasing it on the following albums:</b><br><a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106758">Hip-Hop1 / Urban</a><br><a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106751">Hip-Hop2 / Urban</a><br><br>Click <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105747">here</a> for the WAV version of this track.<a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106750">Hip-Hop / Urban</a><br><a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106763">Documentary, Film, Television, General Production - Volume 2</a><br><br>Click <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105748">here</a> for the WAV version of this track.'
I would think your line above may take for example 106758 as a WAV since it would eventually find 'for the WAV version ' further down the line in the same loop iteration. The rule of thumb for the description above is, if there is no string 'for the WAV version of this track.' right after a ProductID, then it's considered an MP3 product by default. So therefore for this poriton of the above ><a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106758">Hip-Hop1, the ProductID 106758 is an MP3, while products 105747 & 105748 are WAVs.
February 13, 2007 at 1:28 pm
so going back to my example again now (updated):
Declare @Keyword varchar(30),
@KeywordLen tinyint,
@ProductID int,
@Pos smallint,
@StartPos smallint,
@EndPos smallint,
@Result varchar(1000),
@valid int
SET @valid = 0
SET @Keyword = 'ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID='
SET @KeywordLen = LEN(@Keyword)
SET @Result = ''
SET @Pos = 1
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@Keyword, @ProductDescription, @Pos)
If @Pos > 0
SET @StartPos = @Pos + @KeywordLen
SET @EndPos = CHARINDEX('"', @ProductDescription, @StartPos + 1)
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 2, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) <> NULL
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
IF @valid = 1
SELECT @Result = @Result + SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @StartPos, @EndPos - @StartPos) + ','
SET @Pos = @EndPos + 1
print SUBSTRING(@Result,1,len(@Result)-1)
I would think this check would take care of it
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) <> NULL
February 13, 2007 at 1:42 pm
Ok, I tested this here
Declare @Keyword varchar(30),
@KeywordLen tinyint,
@ProductID int,
@Pos smallint,
@StartPos smallint,
@EndPos smallint,
@Result varchar(1000),
@valid int,
@MP3Pos int,
@WavPos int,
@ProductDescription varchar(5500),
@FileFormat varchar(3)
SET @valid = 0
SET @Keyword = 'ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID='
SET @KeywordLen = LEN(@Keyword)
SET @Result = ''
SET @ProductDescription = 'Clapping percussion effects characterize this Hip Hop/Urban piece with train sound effects and strings.<br><br><b>Styles:</b> Dramatic,Reflective,Somber/dark<br><br><b>If you like this track, you can save more than <span style="color=#ff0000">70%</span> by purchasing it on the following albums:</b><br><a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106758">Hip-Hop / Urban</a><br><a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=106763">Documentary, Film, Television, General Production - Volume 2</a><br><br>Click <a href="ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=105747">here</a> for the WAV version of this track.'
SET @FileFormat = 'WAV'
SET @Pos = 1
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@Keyword, @ProductDescription, @Pos)
If @Pos > 0
SET @StartPos = @Pos + @KeywordLen
SET @EndPos = CHARINDEX('"', @ProductDescription, @StartPos + 1)
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 2, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
print SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3)
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) <> NULL
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
IF @valid = 1
SELECT @Result = @Result + SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @StartPos, @EndPos - @StartPos) + ','
SET @Pos = @EndPos + 1
print SUBSTRING(@Result,1,len(@Result)-1)
which does return this
, T
WAV <--- this is what I want! Says the last one is a WAV, correct!
which is right so why the original error still? I found that it's actually talking about this line here finally:
Invalid length parameter passed to the substring function.
Talks about
Line 70 which is
SELECT @Result = @Result + SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @StartPos, @EndPos - @StartPos) + ','
February 13, 2007 at 1:53 pm
oK, looks like I'm slowy working my way through this one myself. I found out that no matter what, after the IF statements, @valid is never being set to true
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 2, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
print @valid
print SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3)
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) <> NULL
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
print @valid
IF @valid = 1
PRINT @ProductDescription
PRINT @StartPos
SELECT @Result = @Result + SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @StartPos, @EndPos - @StartPos) + ','
February 13, 2007 at 2:01 pm
Ok, figured it out on my own:
Declare @Keyword varchar(30),
@KeywordLen tinyint,
@ProductID int,
@Pos smallint,
@StartPos smallint,
@EndPos smallint,
@Result varchar(1000),
@ResultToReturn varchar(1000),
@valid int,
@MP3Pos int,
@WavPos int
SET @valid = 0
SET @Keyword = 'ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID='
SET @KeywordLen = LEN(@Keyword)
SET @Result = ''
SET @ResultToReturn = ''
SET @Pos = 1
WHILE @Pos > 0
SET @Pos = CHARINDEX(@Keyword, @ProductDescription, @Pos) -- returns starting index of ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID= occurance
If @Pos > 0
SET @StartPos = @Pos + @KeywordLen -- returns start to be the end of ProductInfo.aspx?ProductID=
SET @EndPos = CHARINDEX('"', @ProductDescription, @StartPos + 1) -- sets start to be after =
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 2, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
IF SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @EndPos + 19, 3) = @FileFormat
SET @valid = 1
IF @valid = 1
SELECT @Result = @Result + SUBSTRING(@ProductDescription, @StartPos, @EndPos - @StartPos) + ','
SET @Pos = @EndPos + 1
IF len(@Result) > 6
SET @ResultToReturn = @ResultToReturn + @Result
RETURN @ResultToReturn
February 13, 2007 at 2:02 pm
thanks for your pointers though!
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