Intresting Question need answer ASAP

  • mickyT (9/24/2012)

    Shame there isn't implicit conversion for money to int in the following

    SELECT -(~$) It would have made a good answer

    If ^ was a POWER operator, you could do:

    SELECT $^$

    Alas, it's the word POWER:

    SELECT Power($,$)

    Ahh, the power of money. 😀

    I like this one, as it always annoyed me that IsNumeric says it's a number:

    SELECT IsNumeric('.')

    and this one, because everyone loves a bit of pie:

    SELECT Convert(Bit, Pi())

    Here's some others I don't think I've seen listed yet...


    SELECT Min(Principal_ID) FROM Sys.Server_Principals

  • These are pretty cool!

    Also, it is clear that you have been doing this way too long. 😎

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