Internet explorer 64bit unable to load print control

  • We have a SQL2005 sp4 server as a Reporting services server when trying to print reports on any client running Internet explorer 64bit ie 8 or ie 9 we get the Error

    Unable to load client print control

    I have tried both 2008 and 2005 report viewer.

    on first run on a client machine it asks to install the active x control which is then installed.

    Once the Activex control is installed you get the Unable to load client print control.

    I have tried this in multiple clients running Windows 7 64bit, Windows server 2003 64bit and windows server 2008 R2

    When I request the report through the 32 bit IE i have no problems with printing the same reports.

    Can anyone please help

    <script src="/ReportManager/Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd?OpType=Resource&Version=9.00.5000.00

    Version of RS

  • The IE setting may have been locked down tight so that ActiveX controls cannot be installed. Win7 User Access Control could also be affecting that. You can try running IE as an administrator and then see if the ActiveX control installs as expected.

  • Thanks Kudikai, but I have tried that with no sucsess.

    All info I have found so far is that Reporting services 2005 does not support a 64bit RSprintclient


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