Interesting Sql protocol issue around calling stored procedure with select and update

  • This is an interesting one. I found some code that would read from a connection a row at a time and fed it the update statement. I control-c'ed after reading one row, but none the less all rows were updated. (Now it could be that it only LOOKs like it reads from a connection a row at a time obviously...)

    An important caveat here, I only did 10 rows, because I wanted SQL Server to have the chance to run to completion without filling up our tcp/network buffers or whatever to see just how far up the stack the acknowlegements went (yes, I'm sort of faking it with the terminology, feel free to lecture).

    Now with such a small result set, it is absolutely possible that the sqlreader simply consumes all and then tells SQL thanks, then returns each row as it is requested, but none the less, the application in this case can bail yet the update statement was still executed, and the application has no control here. I'm going to tenatively go with pretty much "don't know". I had originally thought that the stack of communications would reach right on up to each line being programattically consumed but it doesn't work that way in this one particular case. It very well could be that other client programming interfaces and drivers act differently.


    Module Module1

    Sub Main()

    ' basic code from'

    Dim objDR As SqlClient.SqlDataReader

    Dim objCommand As SqlClient.SqlCommand

    Dim ConnectionString As String = "Data Source=myserver\myinstance;Initial Catalog=mydb;integrated Security=SSPI;"

    Dim objConnection As SqlClient.SqlConnection

    Dim ssql As String

    Dim doing As Integer

    doing = 0

    objConnection = New SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConnectionString)

    ssql = "UPDATE dbo.test SET Retrieved = 'Y' OUTPUT inserted.*;"

    If objConnection.State <> ConnectionState.Open Then


    End If

    objCommand = New SqlClient.SqlCommand(ssql, objConnection)

    objDR = objCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.CloseConnection)

    objCommand = Nothing

    If objDR.HasRows Then

    While objDR.Read()



    ' next line gives an opportunity to ctl-c, I ctl-c'ed after 1 row


    doing = doing + 1

    End While

    End If


    objDR = Nothing

    End Sub

    End Module

  • Yes at that point all the data is on the client. Run a trace while running that code. It will not run a new query when you read the next row from the DataReader. It gets populated all at once.


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  • I reran the little vb snippet with op3's original 1000000 row test, and while it started returning rows, THIS time when I control-c'ed, no rows updated. I do realise that it ran the query once, but clearly with this particular snippet of code, there is nothing in this situation that will predict behavior on a commit. If I were using this style of connectivity, I'd try to keep the transaction independent of the client reader.

    I know one time I went to an ATM to withdraw 100 dollars, and everything worked except for the physical dispensing of my money. This reminds me of that 😀

    edit: I'm now conclusively going with "don't know".

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