Interesting Query Challenge

  • First off, I really like this site and have enjoyed many of the articles and forum posts. This is my first post: I am trying to rewrite a query to make it more concise, and I am specifically trying to remove a subquery.

    Here's the problem. I have a table of profiles. Each profile has a ProfileID, PeopleID, and a LastUpdated field. Each person may have multiple profiles in this table. I want to select the most recent Profile for each person.

    Currently I'm doing that this way:



    top 1 ProfileID

    from Profiles

    where Profiles.PeopleID=PeopleIDs.PeopleID

    ORDER BY Updated Desc)


    (select distinct PeopleID from Profiles) as PeopleIDs

    What do you guys think? I'd really like to do this without subqueries, as I need to join this with quite a few other tables and its starting to get pretty ugly looking. So far I've tried to use Group By and Top to no success.

  • SELECT p.PeopleID, p.ProfileID

    FROM Profiles p JOIN

    (SELECT PeopleID, MAX(Updated) LastUpdated

    FROM Profiles

    GROUP BY PeopleID) x ON p.PeopleID = x.PeopleID AND p.Updated = x.LastUpdated

  • We do this sort of query quite a lot. We've found that we use one of two patterns, one works well for a single row, one works well for multiple rows.

    For multiple rows:


    FROM Table1 t1

    JOIN VersionTable vt

    ON t1.Id = vt.Id

    AND vt.Version = (SELECT TOP(1) Version FROM VersionTable vt2

    WHERE vt2.Id = t1.Id

    ORDER BY vt2.Version DESC)

    For a single row:


    FROM Table1 t1

    CROSS APPLY (SELECT TOP(1) [columns needed]

    FROM VersionTable v

    WHERE v.Id = t1.Id

    ORDER BY v.Version DESC) AS v

    We've also found that combining this with making sure that the primary key on all the versioned tables is compound a clustered consisting of the key of the ID and the Version. If you go that route, you need to add the ID to the Order by statements to be sure it always results in a clustered index seek.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • Thanks for all the ideas! I ended up going with the cross apply in this case, and it works great.

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