Intel Vs. AMD

  • Can anyone shed any light on this? We are upgrading our primary servers and the specs are that they will have an AMD Opteron chipset. Our failover server in another city will not be upgraded immediately and it has an Intel Xeon chipset. Under the new configuration ALL servers will have SQL 2005 and we will use mirroring between the two sites. Has anyone encountered any issues with a mixed chipset such as this?



  • opteron is 64bit

    i've read of some issues when you go from 64bit to 32bit

  • Opteron will run a 32-bit OS though, so the issue of 64bit to 32bit can be avoided.


  • The databases are the same no matter who makes the CPU.  You can also restore databases from 32-bit servers on 64-bit servers and vice-versa, the data is the same for both.

    There are certainly some 32/64 bit issues.  If you create CLR procedures that have 64-bit or 32-bit specific code then they won't work on both systems, and there are some cases (such as importing data from Access or Excel) where an SSIS package on a 64-bit system has to be flagged to run as 32-bit.  But these are coding issues, the data is identical on both systems.

    If both systems are running the same version of SQL Server, you shouldn't have any data compatability issues.

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