INTEAD OF UPDATE - Updating primary key of a table

  • We are working on a project where we are basically putting together a change log. All of our triggers are INSTEAD OF INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE for this. The problem I just realized is this: If a user updates the primary key of a table, I cannot use the update statement in the trigger because I cannot join the current value to the new one because they are different, and I cannot join the deleted to the inserted table.

    CREATE TABLE triggerTest (colA int primary key, colB varchar(10), colC datetime)

    CREATE TABLE triggerLog (op CHAR(1), colA int, colB VARCHAR(10), colC datetime, changedTime datetime)


    INSERT INTO triggerTest

    SELECT 2, 'jaredTest', GETDATE()

    CREATE TRIGGER tgr_testingUpdate

    ON triggerTest





    DECLARE @change_time DATETIME = GETDATE();

    INSERT INTO triggerLog(op, colA, colB, colC, changedTime)

    SELECT 'U', i.colA, i.colB, i.colC, @change_time

    FROM inserted i;

    UPDATE tt

    SET colA = i.ColA,

    colB = i.colB,

    colC = i.colC

    FROM triggerTest tt

    INNER JOIN inserted i

    ON tt.colA = i.colA --note this will fail when primary key is updated


    UPDATE triggerTest --will not update parent table

    SET colA = 4

    WHERE colA = 2

    Anyone have any thoughts on this?

    CE - Microsoft

  • This is why I like SIDs, you can have a unique key that never changes that can be used for just such cases.

    Does the table have any other candidate keys that could be used in this case?

  • Lynn Pettis (6/21/2012)

    This is why I like SIDs, you can have a unique key that never changes that can be used for just such cases.

    Does the table have any other candidate keys that could be used in this case?

    Nope. 🙁 Although, I'm starting to wonder why we are doing this as INSTEAD OF versus AFTER. Then we don't have to use the "inserted" data to update the main table. There "was" a reason, but I forget now...

    CE - Microsoft

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