instances one or more

  • For my current company, we install only default instance on one physical server.

    I would like to know how other companies do about instances, do you have only one default instance on each server, or do you install multiple instances on one server?

    what are the pros and cons?


  • our place we have one instance on each server but at my old place we had 2 instances on each server. Good thing about having multiple instances is you can manage memory in a better way for two different instances.

  • can you make it clear te purpose to know.I'm having three DB server on same machine:-D

  • It really does depend:

    1. On the resources of the server. Do you have enough CPU, MEMORY, drive space, etc...

    2. It's a matter of preference and how you want to manage the server. For instance, we do not install a default instance, we only install named instances on our servers. In my environment we have to keep certain databases away from other's for the purposes of security and manageability. Perhaps you have lower priority db's that don't necessarily need 24 x 7 support. You may want to keep them in a different instance.

    3. and the total number of databases. There is a maximum # of db's per instance which in SQL 2005 is 32,767. There are other capacity limitations such as size.

    4. and one of the most important items, licenses.

    So basically you need to sit back and contemplate your options and how you want to manage your environment.


  • Some companies use a second instance to provide a distinct separation of databases and roles. Others are happy to have a single instance shared.

  • We run separate instances for thrid party products where they insist that they need sysadmin rights to the instance in order to provide support.

    We tend to run all our internally created dbs in one instance.

    You could also look at using virtual machines - this would require a lot of co-operation with your infrastructure team.

  • Thank you all!

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