Instance Failure Occur

  • Hi,

    My database server name is SYSTEM\\SQLEXPRESS and Database name is deshcom.User name is sa.I got error "A critical error occurred:instance failure" while i entered next button.I need solution to access my application.

  • The above error unfortunately does not give too much information.Can you please elaborate a little.I hope that the server name entered in the connection string is valid.

  • What does the Windows event logs and SQL log say?

    Joie Andrew
    "Since 1982"

  • Give more info... So that we can tell a solution.


  • saranram_forum (5/11/2009)

    I got error "A critical error occurred:instance failure" while i entered next button.

    Which next button ? when u got this error ?

    what were you trying to do this ?

    Elaborate your problem

    I work only to learn Sql Server...though my company pays me for getting their stuff done;-)

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