Install/Uninstall/Reinstall woes

  • Something suddenly went wrong with my development box, and SQL 2000 and Yukon stopped working. My data was safe but SQL was toast. I tried uninstalling. That failed. I tried re-installing. That failed. I booted in safe mode, renamed the directory and tried reinstalling. That failed.

    When I try to run Enterprise Manager I get the following error:

    [Microsoft] ODBC Driver Manager] Driver's SQLAllocHandle on SQL_HANDLE_ENV failed

    Can anyone help? I'm really not looking forward to a complete reformat and re-install of everything, but I'll do it if I have to.



    Arthur Fuller

  • Marvellous isn't it.  Bet it happened in a busy period as well!

    I've had it happen to me and the only thing I could do was rebuild the server, reinstall SQL Server then restore the user databases.

  • Before you do a complete rebuild, you might try the following-

    Copy your data and transaction log files to a safe location (unless you think they are already safe).

    Delete ALL SQL Server folders that you can find on your machine (check root directory of the drive you installed on, and within c:\Program Files.)

    Delete all MSSQL, Microsoft SQL Server registry keys (might want to back up your registry before doing this one).

    Reinstall SQL.

    I've had more than one situation where this worked when it seemed nothing would.


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