Installing SQL Server on client system

  • Hi All,

    I am doing a appliaction using VB.NET and SQL Server. On my system i have Enterprise edition of SQL Server.

    My question is which edition of SQL Server require on my client system. What i know is we dont require the Enterprise edition.

    Please help me.



  • From a cost point of view, I would not roll out Enterprise edition to clients.

    Have a look at MSDE which is on the Office 2000 CD.

    This is a brokendown version of SQL 2000 and is redistributable.

    Also, it's only a comple MB so shipping is much easier.



    Cheers,CrispinI can't die, there are too many people who still have to meet me!It's not a bug, SQL just misunderstood me!

  • It depends on how your system is to be deployed.

    If you intend to send it out to a client (or clients), and have it installed as a standalone, then Crispin's suggestion is a sound one.

    If, however, your application is expected to run from one location, and accessed via VB.NET, then you might convince the client to install the Microsoft SQL Server 2000 Standard Edition on their server. This would depend on the number of expected users, and the amount traffic you expect. Obviously, the Standard Edition will be more robust and full featured as compared to MSDE - however, MSDE is nearly* free.

    [* = you have to have a copy of Office 2000 or XP, etc.].

    As an aside, it the client is a non-profit organization, they can often get FREE software from Microsoft and other places [or really, really cheap - like $30.00 (USD) for SQL Server Enterprise Edition].

    Examine your intended usage model, and determine your best bang for the buck.

    Good luck,


  • Hi Allan & Crappy,

    Thanx a lot for the information. Its a value added for me



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