Installing SQL Server 2012 on Server Core 2008

  • I am trying to install SQL Server 2012 on Server Core 2008, this is under Hyper-V. I have an iso image on the D:/ drive and I am running the following in command prompt: D:\>Setup.exe /qs /Action=install /Features=SQLEngine,IS,Conn /InstanceName=MSSQLServer /SQLSYSADMINACCOUNTS="Contoso\kim_akers" /IAcceptSQLServerLicenseTerms

    Then I get the following error:

    an unknown command-line option [/qs] was specified

    I have tried removing /qs then the error just moves to Action=install

    When I look in to the directory of D: I can see the setup.exe file

    Any help will be appreciated

    This is a part of 70-462 training kit, I think it's chapter 1 lesson 2, can't remember which task, I don't have the material to hand at the moment

  • what operating system are you installing onto?

    Refer this link for more detail


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

  • Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core Installation)

  • I have read through the link but there isn't any error handling and it's not specifically targeted at Hyper-V environment or installing from an iso image so I'm still at a loss, I have tried googling the error but can't find much information on what would cause it. I am going to try on another machine running the full version of Windows Server and see if I get the same error through command prompt.

  • bradwilliams51 (5/17/2016)

    Windows Server 2008 R2 Enterprise (Server Core Installation)

    Why Server Core 2008 R2? That is old.

    Before you know it you will be upgrading to a newer version of SQL Server.

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  • It's part of a training exercise in the material for 70-462 - Administering SQL Server 2012, I know it's an old version but I don't imagine the installation on more recent OS is going to be that different

  • Hey Brad,

    I am also doing 70-462 and ran into the same issue when attempting to install SQL-Server 2012 on the Windows Server 2008R2 "SQL-Core" on Hyper-V. As it turns out, I simply had left the Windows Server 2008R2 ISO image file as the media for D: in the Hyper- V DVD settings for SQL-Core. Oops! As soon as I pointed to the SQL 2012 ISO image, it all worked out.

  • Yes it was exactly the same issue, after I slept on it, I realised what the problem could be, are you having any difficulty connecting to the Server Core installation? I can connect SQL-A to SQL-B if I turn off the firewall but as far as I can see everything is set up correctly but I can't connect to Server Core. I think I have spent too long on the initial setup though and I'm just going to work through the kit and hopefully be ready for the exam next month. Not sure if you can post email addresses in here but if you want to share any ideas it's or add me on linkedin, I'm going to be working through all the SQL certifications so as soon as this ones out the way I will be on to 70-463.

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