Installing Reporting Services - Developer Edition

  • Hello all,

    I purchased the SQL Server 2000 Delevoper Edition some months ago.  Installation consisted of the main CD and Service Pack 3a.  This has worked fine.

    I am now trying to install the Reporting Services and receiving the error message that Service Pack 3a needs to be installed.   Hmmm,  did I not install that originally?   So, I'll reinstall it to make sure - worked fine (or so the installation routine indicated).

    Try to install Reporting Services again and I receive the same error message.

    Spoke to the wonderful people at Microsoft support who indicated that they would indeed gleefully entertain my PRODUCT INSTALLATION problem for a mere fee of FIVE times the original price of the product.   I'm just angry because I didn't think of it first - imagine selling a product and then charging 5 times the price to help someone install it - I'm sure I would still be in business today.............

    All kidding aside, any help would be GREATLY appreciated.  The version is 8.00.194



  • version 8.0.760 is what SQL Server reports after SP3a is installed. version 8.0.194 is what you get when the CD only has been installed.

    I am wondering whether you completed the installation of sp3a. The file you download from microsoft is an ".Exe" file. When you run it, all that file does is unpack a bunch of files (probably to drive C. You then need to install the service pack by running setup.exe in the folder that the files were unpacked into. Has this been done ?

  • And if you did run it, look for sqlsp.log in your %systemroot% directory. That'll tell you how the service pack installation went. But happycat59 is right. If SQL Server 2000 SP3a is installed, you should see a version of at least 8.0.760. SQL Server 2000 SP4 is now out, also, by the way.

    K. Brian Kelley

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