Installing Query Tool for Various Users

  • Currently there are several Data Analysts that use Query Analyzer (SQL2000) to access a database and execute queries. What is the scaled down version in 2005? I install just the tools which still seems like it's too much. Is there an install option in 2005 that only allows them to open a query window and run queries? I don't want them to see the entire server tree as Management Studio allows.

    Thank you

  • To my knowledge, they'll see some of the other databases available in the server, but they'll only be able to connect to and perform actions on the db's that you allow them to. It's not pretty, but that's what we've done for some of our business users that claimed the need to query directly. You can also try using Visual Studio, while it's not exactly an improvement in terms of simplicity & size, it will be limited in what it can view. Other than that, you'd need to look at third party products like Quest's TOAD or something else.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • I have used this tool a couple of times, It might come in handy 4 you.


  • Thank you to both of you. I appreciate the input. I've downloaded QueryExpress and it looks quite simple and light. I need to expose the requirements of these data analysts and other query writers to see if this is sufficient. If so, this may be a great tool to deploy as a standard tool for them, which would allow me to happily remove SQL tools on these machines. I believe all they do is run queries and view output.

    I use Toad for Oracle, which is a nice tool. They are too pricey to deploy as a standard tool for just anyone, unfortunately.

    Thanks again!

  • I just wanted to add a comment. When analysts are accustomed to Query Analyzer they may not be too thrilled to have a query tool that doesn't do as much. We tried replacing QA with a different scaled down query tool and they rejected it because it didn't have all the neat things that QA had (browser, search, scripting, etc.). Good luck with your users.

    I personally wish that the Query tool had been left separate in SQL 2005 and 2008. Now everyone thinks they should have Management Studio because that's where the query tool is. And around here the more they see, the more they want.

    Again, good luck.


  • I've seen a lot of debate about this issue in my previous shop as well as my current shop. I come from the school that says these are TOOLS. If a developer, analyst, etc.. need them for their jobs, I don't see any problems with it. The main issue comes down to setting up proper security. If you have proper security setup, they can only perform what you allow anyway.

    Also, if their sharp enough, they can download their own copy of SQL Express with Advanced Services for free (which includes SSMS).

    So, why not manage it from the DBA team. I have even set up a unattended install for SQL Client Tools and we can push it out on request.


    Tim White

  • I agree. Go ahead and give people as much as they feel they need without endangering your system. They may need it.

    "The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood"
    - Theodore Roosevelt

    Author of:
    SQL Server Execution Plans
    SQL Server Query Performance Tuning

  • You can use Query Analyzer(2000) to query 2005 dbs.


    "You do not really understand something until you can explain it to your grandmother" - Albert Einstein

  • Thanks all for the responses. We typically run in the mode of give what they want (sometimes too far) so that's not completely out of the question. However, with the growing number of people, even outside of usual suspects, I would prefer a scaled down, query only tool. Query Express seems to be that, but probably too scaled down.

    Thanks again. Glad I am not the only one with these decisions.

  • 2 Tim 3:16 (7/31/2009)

    Also, if their sharp enough, they can download their own copy of SQL Express with Advanced Services for free (which includes SSMS).

    That depends on the group policies implemented. We can't install anything on our PC's without going through a set process that ensures all installed software is properly licensed, tested, and configured. That means no random code from the net, no GPL code that hasn't been vetted by the lawyers (nothing like finding your cool, proprietary application is in the public domain because of the GPL code you snatched up), etc. In large organizations, I don't see how you can operate without those controls.

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