Installing named instance of sql 2005 on sql 2000

  • Can I install SQL 2005 as named instance on existing sql server 2000?

    Is it ok to do what I am doing, will I have to face any errors ( I will be installing this on live sql 2000 server?

    How can I connect to named instance from asp code or from management studio?


  • You may have an instance of 2005 on the same server with one of 2000; but you cannot have a 2005 instance "on" (or in) a 2000 instance.  These are separate products.  You may upgrade (i.e., install) a 2000 database in 2005 instance; but, not the other way around.

    of course you will face errors... just the simple fact that you are asking these question means you will face errors... so doing this, initially, on your "live" (take that to mean "production") server is probably about the biggest mistake you could make.

    Find some place to test what you are doing before going live.

    I am not even going to attempt to respond to you connection question.  You are going to need to get a bit more involved and then ask better questions.

    Good luck.  You ARE going to need it.

    David Russell
    Any Cloud, Any Database, Oracle since 1982

  • sql2k and sql2005 can exist quite happily side by side, they install as seperate installs and can be instances if you wish. One is never an instance of the other, you have two seperate database servers running.

    If you don't know how to connect to a named instance you shouldn't even be asking this question. Create a test environment.

    You may need to create an alias to remove the instance name , had to do this for some third party apps in the past. as far as I know asp has no problems connecting to an instance.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • I have successfully installed named instance with no errors so far and I can see named instance from my pc on management studio.

    After moving all databases from 2000 to 2005 how can I make name instance default instance and remove sql server 2000?

  • ah no you can't change an instance to a default - you'd have to run another install.

    remove sql2k with remove programs.

    [font="Comic Sans MS"]The GrumpyOldDBA[/font]

  • if you are going to install SQL 2005 on top of SQL 2000 as named instance, first on test env........ before moving to production. IMP factor is about .NET framework 2.0 where SQL 2005 is using & where all your application design in .NET is using 1.1.4322(SQL 2000). so moment you install Named Instance of sql 2005 by default the IIS is pointing to .NET 2.0.

    This is only applicable if you are hosting IIS & SQL 2000/2005 on same server.

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