Installing MDAC

  • Hi everyone, is it possible to install MDAC only (from the sql server 2000 cd)?  Thanks.

  • SQLREDIS.EXE located in the MSEQ\x86\ODBC folder contains MDAC version 2.6. You can either run the exe from there or get it from

    Please note that SQL sp1 and sp2 upgrade MDAC to 2. 6 sp 1 and 2.

    SQL sp 3a will bring MDAC version up to 2.71a.

  • Thank you!

  • Is there a way to install the "connectivity only" option from the CD without running the entire setup?

    I am note sure what all gets installed, but a program we use requires it and MDAC alone isn't sufficient.



  • yes you can ... go through ordinary Setup ... and choose Connectivity only ... this will install MDAC and Client network utilty Program on your machine

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Yes, I understand that, but is there an easier/quicker way than running setup.

    Having to enter the cd key every time just to install this is a pain.


  • Why don't you just go to and download the MDAC from there?  Then you don't have to fool with the key or setup at all.

    Derrick Leggett
    Mean Old DBA
    When life gives you a lemon, fire the DBA.

  • Because installing the Client Connectivity installs more than just MDAC. I have tried installing MDAC by itself and the app refuses to run. (I don't have the names of the missing dlls in front of me). I am not sure what all the Client Connectivity install gives you. I know MDAC, and obviously the Client Network Utility. What I am not sure of exactly is what this software requires. I can either run the software's own install or Client Connectivity from the SQL disk.

    The app we are working with is a Powerbuilder app. Apart from the SQL dependicies, it runs with an XCOPY deployment. Very simple to install when you have lots of installs to do. I would just like to make it even simpler.

  • Note : you have to install MDAC on all the clients and SQL Server machines

    and I think MDAC 2.7 SP1 refresh version is a very good one.

    Alamir Mohamed

  • Greg, you can use sqlredis using no parameters in order to install the SQL Server connectivity components. Specify only the /C /T:"temporary_working_folder_path" switches if you want to see what modules are installed by sqlredis.

    Sqlredis is located in the \x86\Other folder of SP3a installation.

  • Thanks.  That looked like the answer, but it didn't work either.

    The file that is missing turns out to be ntwdblib.dll "DB-Library".  A quick search of google taught me two things. 

    #1 Contrary to popular opinion, it is not included in slqredis. 

    #2 I can simply manually copy the file into my system directory.

    Easy enough.  Thanks for all your help.



  • I just copied the cd to a network share and placed this batch file above the x86 directory...


    rem @echo off

    rem  Performs SQL Server Client Unattended Install operation

    rem  Before running this batch file, you must edit the corresponding

    rem unattended install file (sqlcli.iss), and enter your

    rem Product Key (CD-Key) from your CD.


    echo *

    echo     Unattended install for SQL Server is starting.

    echo *

    echo *

    echo     Waiting for SQL Server Setup to finish...

    @echo on

    start /wait \\admin\is\isutils\software\cliinst\x86\setup\setupsql.exe -s -m -SMS -f1 "\\admin\is\isutils\software\cliinst\setup.iss"

    @echo Off


    Watch out for incomplete Installshield setups.

    Refer BOL  'unattended installation'


    The systems fine with no users loggged in. Can we keep it that way ?br>

  • Okay,

    This all works fine but what if I want to distribute my app including MSDE 2000?? There's nog client connectivity installatie is there?

    How do I install ntwdblib (or the connectivity I need) without a SQL Server installation???




  • Here is a link to getting MSDE installed with your setup project.

    What connection method is your app using? If it is .NET program, then just use the SQL NET Provider. You won't even need ntwdblib. You will need MDAC installed, but I assume installing MSDE will do that by default.


  • Thanks, but the deployment isn't the problem. After MSDE is installed my application wants to connect to the instance installed and screams about missing ntwdblib!

    I think I find the answer in MSDN:

    Gonne try it next week...


    Regards Michel

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