Installed component ' not installed correctly'

  • I've installed the the Kimball SCD component v1.5 from codeplex ( When I try to pull it onto the dataflow, I get the following error:

    The data flow object "MouldingAndMillwork.SSIS.KimballMethodSCD, KimballMethodSCD90, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=8b0551303405e96c" is not installed correctly on this computer. (Microsoft.DataTransformationServices.Design)

    Any Ideas how I can resolve this? (I installed it as a local administrator, it seems to fail every time)

    _____________________________________________________________________________MCITP: Business Intelligence Developer (2005)

  • Hi,

    From my experience of custom components - you will need to register the .dll into the GAC (Global Assembly Cache).

    This can be achieved by using GACUtil or Visual Studio command prompt.




  • Hi thanks for letting me know.

    Turns out a simple restart of the SSIS service worked!

    could you give an example of using the GAC tool though, I colleague has since tried to add anoth component on his test machine and it doesn't seem register correctly

    _____________________________________________________________________________MCITP: Business Intelligence Developer (2005)

  • This link should provide you with the examples you are after:

    For Windows Server 2008 (x64) you have to run the VS command prompt as administrator (regardless of your own permissions) then enter

    gacutil /i C:\LocationOfDLL\mydll.dll

    I also found this thread really useful:


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