Installation using INI file

  • I need help on creating ini file for different type of SQL installation. Template.ini does not have enough documentation.

    INI file for

    Installing SQL Server management studio only (no configuration tools, performance and analysis services toos)

    I used this .ini file which installed configuration, performance and analysis tools

    Start /wait H:\Tools\setup.exe /qb



    SQL Server installation with Reporting services and Analysis services installed.

    The below ini file does not have option for analysis services, can I add Analysis_Server,AnalysisDataFiles,SQL_AdventureWorksASSamples after sql_engine and it will install for me.

    start /wait setup.exe /qb INSTANCENAME=MSSQLSERVER ADDLOCAL=SQL_Engine,SQL_Replication,Client_Components,Connectivity,SQLXML SAPWD=<X360_SQL_SERVER> SQLACCOUNT=<domain\user> SQLPASSWORD=<domainuserpassword>  AGTACCOUNT=<domain\user> AGTPASSWORD=<domainuserpassword>  SQLBROWSERACCOUNT=<domain\user>  SQLBROWSERPASSWORD=<domainuserpassword>

  • on your installation disk, there's a template.ini file which explains all the parameters and has a couple of examples.

    Yes you can add the parameters as you expected, but you'll also have to specify these parameters






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  • Please refer to my previous post it was copied from template.ini file, but still have question on that.

  • you may want to have a look at :

    i.e. SQL Server 2005's Undocumented Solution for Unattended Installs


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