Installation problem.

  • When installing Windows 2000 Server tools I am getting a message that states that I need to reboot the PC before trying to install again.



    "A previous program installation created pending file operations on the installation machine. You must restart the computer before running setup."


    Now usually it help’s by rebooting but in this case I am getting the same message all over again. How can I bypass this problem?


  • how about try to uninstall sql 2000.  After uninstall, make sure go to c:\program files\microsoft\sql server and delete everthing in SQL Server folder so that there is no leftover stuff in there.

    After this process, reboot the server one more time before you try to install SQL Server 2000.



  • Usually this is a mark in the registry that there is a pending opertation. How many reboots have you done? I know in my company sometimes they have multiple patches being applied that require reboots between the patches. If this is a new machine you might be caught in between a bunch of patches.

  • Yes, there is a flag in the registry - I had the same problem couple of times.

    The following article describes the fix:

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