Installation of server instance fails w/ Developer Edition

  • I've fixed this problem, but thought I'd include it here in case someone else runs into a similar situation:

    I was unable to completely install the SQL Server 2005 Developer Edition on my local machine.  The installer would install everything except the server instance.  At first I thought it had something to do with the (erroneous) warning I was getting that my hardware didn't meet the requirements. The real clue, however, was the error I got that said, "Features specified are not valid for this edition of SQL Server." Upon review of the log files I discovered the culprit: I had installed a 3rd party utility a few weeks previously. Before attempting the install of the Dev Edition I had deleted all other versions of SQL Server and Visual Studio, but I hadn't uninstalled this utility. Once I uninstalled the 3rd party utility, the server instance installed with no trouble.



  • Dan

    What was the utility?

    Regards,Yelena Varsha

  • SQL Prompt.



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