Install SQL Server 2005 32-bit on a Windows Vista 64-bit

  • Does anyone have problems to install SQL Server 2005 32-bit editions (Enterprise, Standard) on a Windows Vista 64-bit?

    Any feedback would be appreciated!


  • Have you resolved the issue? I am running to the same problem. I could not install SS2005 on Windows Vista 64 bit OS.

    Any help will be greatly appreciated.



  • Yes, I did resolve the problem. However, the problem is not from the technical side, instead it came from the CD copy. I used the 32-bit SQL Server 2005 MSDN copy that was downloaded directly from Microsoft website, and it worked as normal. The original CD copy that failed on me was from the Microsoft Launch SQL Server 2005. Just my guess, if you use the retailed copy, or the MSDN copy, it should work fine. If not, you have to look onto something else.

    Note that I did not have any problems with the 64-bit SQL Server 2005, either the MS Launch copy or retailed copy, on a Vista 64-bit machine.


  • I am facing the same problem. I have 32 bit standard edition of sql server 2005, trying to install on 64 bit windows vista.

    I disabled the User Access Control.

    Also tried

    cscript.exe adsutil.vbs set W3SVC/AppPools/Enable32BitAppOnWin64 “true”

    but nothing seems to work. I still get the "This microsoft sql server does not support the current processor type" error.

    Can anyone help with this?

    Thank you

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