Install SQL Server 2000, on Windows 2000 Profesional

  • Does anyone know how to install MS SQL Server 2000 on a win 2000 Prof machine? I know it involves a registry hack...but i can't find any more resources.

    I would appreciate any help


  • Are you trying to install server? Because you will have connection issues, I believe with W2K Pro. I thought there was a limit.

    You can install Personal edition, which is licensed if you have a CAL and is the same product for the most part.

  • Microsoft released SQL 2000 Enterprise Edition Developer Edition (licensed for development only) for only $50 (purchased right off MS web site). Installs on Win2000 Prof w/o any changes right from CD. Easiest way to get full version test environment. A bulletin was put up here on SSC when it came out.

    Reply repeated in your earlier request.

    If you wouldn't post your request twice, getting an answer would be easier.

    I've not had any connection issues, but as the license implies, I'm only using it for development work - don't have users banging away at it. EULA states 5 users, unlimited simultaneous connections.

  • I think you need to install SQL SERVER 2000 Developer Edition .. on win200

    Alamir Mohamed

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