May 2, 2005 at 12:32 pm
Is it ok to install SQL Server CE on the same server that already 2 instances of MSDE as well as some other applications? There is enough space, I just wondered if there are any other issues with running these together on the same server. Thanks!
May 3, 2005 at 8:33 am
Please correct me if I am wrong, but my understanding is that SQL Server CE installs on a Pocket PC device, it is not a server based product.
May 3, 2005 at 10:05 am
There is software to be installed on the pocket pc's, but my understanding is SQL Server CE Server Tools will install on the server.
May 4, 2005 at 6:24 pm
I think that is there for if you are wanting to do replication or remote data access. If you are doing replication, then Merge replication is what is recommended between SQL Server and SQL Server CE, MSDE does not support merge replication as a publisher.
Here is something on the install process I found in the help file (sqlce.chm)
Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000 Windows® CE Edition 2.0 (SQL Server CE) Server Tools are required for applications that use SQL Server CE connectivity. If you use replication or remote data access (RDA), you must install SQL Server CE Server Tools on the computer running Microsoft Internet Information Services (IIS). Replication requires the SQL Server CE Server Tools installer appropriate for the service pack that SQL Server is running. SQL Server CE ships with two installers: Sqlce20sql2ksp1.exe (SQL Server Service Pack 1) and Sqlce20sql2ksp2.exe (SQL Server Service Pack 2). If the instance of SQL Server is running a service pack later than Service Pack 2, download an updated SQL Server CE Server Tools installer from this Microsoft Web site.
SQL Server CE Server Tools Setup installs the SQL Server CE Server Agent (Sscesa20.dll) and the SQL Server CE Replication Provider (Sscerp20.dll) in \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server CE 2.0\Server and additional SQL Server replication components in \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\80\Com.
To set up SQL Server CE on the computer running IIS if you are using Microsoft Visual Studio® .NET
To set up SQL Server CE on the computer running IIS if you are using Microsoft eMbedded Visual Tools
Note You can also obtain the Server Tools installer (Sqlce20sql2ksp1.exe and Sqlce20sql2ksp2.exe) from an existing development system. SQL Server CE Setup installs the files in \Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server CE 2.0\Redist\Server.
At the end of the setup process, the SQL Server CE Server Tools installer optionally launches the SQL Server CE Virtual Directory Creation Wizard, a component of the SQL Server CE Connectivity Management utility. For more information about the SQL Server CE Connectivity Management utility, see Configuring Security for Connectivity.
SQL Server CE Server Tools includes localized Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) files that affect how setup screens and error messages are displayed. The language of SQL Server CE Setup determines the language of the MDAC software in SQL Server CE Server Tools. For other language-related issues, see Ensuring Proper ANSI to Unicode Conversions.
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