Inside The Question of the Day

  • How about making the score very simple and straightforward -- 2 points for a correct answer, 0 for a wrong answer. Takes "weighting" a question out of the loop. Also, I would think we'd want a correct answer to be worth more than a forum post (1 point).

  • This is my favourite section. Some of the questions are really good and interesting. I also thought of preparing questions for this section but couldn't find time for it. The quality of some questions are really extraordinary. Thumps up to Steve and his team for this section.


  • Steve:

    I did not see the brouhaha (been waiting all week to use that word 🙂 over the "months with 'a'" question that you mentioned, but IMHO there is not much room for people to complain over a task that you deliver on dligitently, day after day, for... how long now...? Of course you will make mistakes. But as long as you update the answer with any errata that is quite sufficient to ameliorate it. I thought I was pretty good with T-SQL until I started seeing your questions, which greatly humbled me. So I look the QOTD as a great learning resource and, in particular a reference. So when I come looking for information and I find a question months after it was posted, the errata needs to be attached to it so I am not led astray.

  • Michael,

    Thanks and it's been a little over 4 years for me. Wow!

  • First of all, I want to applaud Steve on everything he does for this site. Little by little, we understand what he does and I am always impressed. Maybe Steve would do an article on "A Day (or week) in the life of Steve Jones" to get an idea of what he does for us.

    I too enjoy the QOTD and enjoy the discussions 99% of the time (some of the repetitiveness is the 1% I don't like). Even if the question pertains to an area that I either don't work in or know anything about, I will still try to figure it out. I even force myself to read the newsletters in order so I don't accidentally see an answer to a QOTD I haven't looked at yet. However, I do have a tendency to get behind depending on my workload (I am reading/responding on Friday to Tuesday's email. I have been much further behind... :hehe: )


    "If you are going through hell, keep going."
    -- Winston Churchill

  • I find most questions are worded fine. Some amount of badly worded/incorrect questions would be expected IMO, so I'm not at all surprised - besides - they tend to start some of the more interesting discussions.

    The only major thing I'd like to see would be an easier way to find questions I haven't answered and/or a way to break my "stats" down by category (so I could see just exactly how badly I've been answering the replication questions for example).

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

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