Insert/Update Trigger to replace column value

  • I have an action that performs an insert or an update on a table. One of the columns holds the LastUpdateDate.

    I would like to replace the value in this column by the actual getdate() value by means of an after insert,update trigger.

    In Oracle, this is simple. You just say :NEW.LastUpdateDate := Sysdate; and that's all.

    Is there an equaly simple way of doing this for SQLserver with a T-sql statement ?

    Thanks for helping out a beginning T-SQL programmer

  • If you can modify your action, you don't need a trigger for this.

    For insert, just insert getdate() into the column, for an update, set LastUpdateDate = getdate()

    It is possible to use a trigger, though I see this as a last-resort for this 'trivial' problem. Triggers are nice and all, but on the other hand you shouldn't use them if not really needed.


  • It really has to be a trigger.

    The scenario is a link between an Oracle DB and SQLserver. The records are inserted/updated on Oracle and receive a last update date. The primary keys of these inserts/changes are logged in mutation tables that are read by SQLserver via a linked Server. The records are then read from Oracle and inserted/updated in SQLServer. I have to change the lastupdatetime to reflect the time that the record arrives on SQLServer. Because we are talking about 50 tables and the name of that lastupdatetime column differs, I can not hardcode them.

    A trigger would be the simplest way but how can I do it ?

    An example would be great !

  • Well, in such a case 'A' trigger won't cut it - you'd need 50 triggers - one for each table.

    If I understand it correctly, the insert/update code is on SQL Server..? Can't you just adapt that code to implement getdate() value for it's respective table? (you still need to 'hardcode' 50 triggers otherwise...)


  • I usually code this kind of trigger like this :

    create trigger trigger_name

    on table_name

    for update


       update table_name set LastUpdateDate = getdate()

        where exists (select * from inserted

                 where table_name.key_field1 = inserted.key_field1

                    and table_name.key_field2 = inserted.key_field2)  


  • I would create a stored procedure that generates the triggers for me. ( as you have a lot of tables ) I do not know the kind of data that is stored, and how are your null settings ( ansi ? ), but here is a working example ( not all types of columns tested/verified ) of a stored procedure that creates a trigger on a given table @tbl. The trigger will set the column @lastupdatetime to getdate for all updates/inserted rows for the table @table. Triggers are names Setlastupdatetime_<@tbl>. You can use this example to generate the text ( use print @sql and not exec (@sql ), or to make a more complex procedure to generate the triggers ...

    create proc usp_lastupdatetime


     @tbl sysname,

     @lastupdatetime sysname = 'lastupdatetime'

    ) as


     declare @objid int,@sql varchar(8000)

     select @objid = id from sysobjects where name = @tbl and type = 'U'

     if @@rowcount != 1


      print 'Object ' + @tbl + ' not found or not a user table.'

      return 1


     set @sql = 'create trigger Setlastupdatetime_' + @tbl + ' on ' + @tbl

       + ' for insert,update as begin update ' + @tbl + ' set ' + @lastupdatetime + ' = getdate() from inserted where'

     select @sql = @sql + ' and inserted.' + name + ' = ' + @tbl + '.' + name

     from syscolumns

     where id = @objid

       and iscomputed = 0 and isoutparam=0

     order by colid

     set @sql = replace(@sql,'where and', 'where') + ' end'

     exec ( @sql )


  • Thanks All,

    I did already have my script to create the triggers for me (so I shouldn't have to write them manually).

    I'ts just unfortunate that a simple method like the one a Illustrated for Oracle does not exist in MSSQLServer. I suppose it still needs to mature a bit.


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