Inserting rows Using Cursors in Stored Procedure

  • Hi ALL,

    I have written following stored procedure:


    Declare @id varchar(15)


    declare tbl_loop cursor

    for select id from testSP

    open tbl_loop

    fetch next from tbl_loop into @id

    update testSP set flg = 1 where id = @id

    insert into testSP2 values(newid(), @id)

    while (@@fetch_status = 0)


    fetch next from tbl_loop into @id

    update testSP set flg = 1 where id = @id

    insert into testSP2 values(newid(), @id)



    close tbl_loop

    deallocate tbl_loop

    The problem here is that after executing the stored procedure, It's inserting 2 duplicate rows for the last record but it should insert only 1 row.

    Please Help.



  • Why use a cursor or a loop at all?

    insert testSP2

    select newID(), id

    from testSP;

    update testsp

    set flg=1;

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • If you insist on using a cursor.

    You should check the @@getstatus after the fetch next or, before the fetch next, initialze your variable on NUll and after the fetch next, test if the variable is not null

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