inserting random records

  • I m  an SQL newbie and i have to insert 100 new records, but the phone number must have first 5 numbers randomly choosed(i guess rand statement ,i just dont know HOW to use it)..Now, i know how to insert new records, but this random thing is giving me a hard time...HEEEELP!!!

  • Hi,

    Don't know how to do this with rand() but...

    Have a look at this.

    #my_phone_numbers is "your" table with phone numbers.



    create table #my_phone_numbers (phone_number varchar(5) not null)

    set nocount on

    declare @digits int

    set @digits = 0

    declare @digit int

    declare @phone_number varchar(5)

    declare @number_of_phone_digits int

    declare @record_count int

    set @record_count = 1

    set nocount on

    --fill a temporary table with numbers 0 to 9

    create table #digits (digit int not null)

    while @digits <= 9


     insert into #digits


     set @digits = @digits + 1


    while @record_count <= 100


     set @phone_number = ''

     set @number_of_phone_digits = 1

     while @number_of_phone_digits <= 5


      --get new number for phone number

      set @digit = (select top 1 digit from #digits order by newid())

      --build new phone number

      set @phone_number = @phone_number + cast(@digit as char(1))

      --keep count of number of digits in current string

      set @number_of_phone_digits = @number_of_phone_digits + 1


     --insert new number into the table

     insert into #my_phone_numbers values (@phone_number)

     --keep count of number of added records

     set @record_count = @record_count + 1


    select * from #my_phone_numbers

    drop table #digits

    drop table #my_phone_numbers

    set nocount off

    Leon Bakkers

  • RAND is a very poor randomizer. NEWID does a much better job using GUIDS but with regards to first 5 digits being the random value this may make a bit difficult but this is what you could try.


    Create a table containing all possible 5 digits combinations if all then I can help just need to know if there is any rules such as first number cannot be 0 or anything else.

    Next using NEWID() against that table do a

    SELECT TOP 1 numbcol FROM tblNums ORDER BY NEWID()

    Should be quite random


    If using SQL 2000 this can be in a function to use inline if insert is based on values.

    If based on SELECT data into INSERT then you could do a join to match rows up.

    Just need to know how it goes in and what you are expecting to result.

  • Hi,

    This is with using newid() as randomizer:

    declare @digits table(nr int)

    insert @digits(nr) select 0 union select 2 union select 4 union select 6 union select 8

    insert @digits(nr) select nr+1 from @digits

    select top 100****

    from @digits a cross join @digits b cross join @digits c cross join @digits d cross join @digits e

    where > 0

    order by newid()


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • I ve tried all the suggested solutons,but none of them worked..I am desperate! Once again - My table should consist of 100 new records for a field MobilePhone(of char type) and first 5 digits should be randomly choosed (should be like this: +randomno1randomno2.. etc.(example: +381564654, where '+' sign  makes it char type and digits are randomly choosed.

  • create table #randomphonenumbers( nmbr char(10) primary key )

    declare @digits table(nr char(1))

    insert @digits(nr) select '0' union select '2' union select '4' union select '6' union select '8'

    insert @digits(nr) select nr+1 from @digits -- implicit conversion

    insert #randomphonenumbers( nmbr )

    select top 100 '+' + + '4654'

    from @digits a cross join @digits b cross join @digits c cross join @digits d cross join @digits e

    where > 0

    order by newid()

    select * from #randomphonenumbers

    drop table #randomphonenumbers


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Oh my GOD! this actually WORKSSSSSSSS!!!!!



  • Glad to be of help

    Keep practicing...


    You must unlearn what You have learnt

  • Oh, i sure will! And i guess I ll be posting more questions again..Nice to know you re around




    p.s. -  rockmoose or rockmosse?

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