Inserting Patterns

  • I have about 100 variables in 6 different tables. They are unique in the sense that they all end with patt suffix. their value could be XXXXXX where number of X's depend on a value in another column. so if nmon is 123 patt would be XXXOOO , if 14 then XOOXOO etc.

    how would i write something to do it wihout having to write one update for each patt variable? ideas is to

    Find variable

    Find Table

    Update variable based on the value of another column

    Find next variable and loop

    Thanks for any input.

    nmon(CHAR 6)----> patt(CHAR 6)

    123456 XXXXXX

    156 XOOOXX

    35 00X0X0

    6 00000X

  • I'm not sure if I understand what you want to do but maybe this could help you :

    CREATE TABLE #temp (nmon INT,patt VARCHAR(10))

    INSERT #temp VALUES (123456,'000000')

    INSERT #temp VALUES (156,'000000')

    INSERT #temp VALUES (35,'000000')

    INSERT #temp VALUES (6,'000000')


    SET @a = 1

    WHILE @a < 11


    UPDATE #temp

    SET patt = STUFF(patt,0+@A,1,'X')


    SET @a = @a +1


    SELECT * FROM #temp

    DROP TABLE #temp

    I think if you consider every position in the "patt" column you could be succefull in donig an update for all tuples in the table.


    Edited by - sica on 12/18/2001 5:03:27 PM

  • Not sure I understand your example, but there is a function called patindex() that matches patterns with and without wildcards

  • I thought that if patt is 6 character long (it could be max from 0 to 10) you could update every character in the patt variables at the same time.

    In the example I was tring to suggest another way to look at the problem...Maybe my english is a litle bit rusty and I didn't understand the question.

  • Here is I am at for now



    select distinct column_name, table_name from information_schema.columns

    where column_name like '%patt' and table_name like 'drugs%'

    OPEN patt

    DECLARE @tablename as varchar(15)

    DECLARE @Patt as varchar(15)

    DECLARE @STR as varchar(255)

    FETCH NEXT FROM patt INTO @Patt,@tablename

    WHILE (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -1)


    IF (@@FETCH_STATUS <> -2)


    SELECT @tablename = RTRIM(@tablename)

    select @STR= 'select patkey,questdat,' + @patt + ' from ' + @tablename + ' where ' + @patt + ' is not null'

    exec (@str)

    ----This would return about 1000 rows of data for each variable @pat (100 of em)

    ---- i need to go through each of these records and realign it and update the very record

    ---- do i need another cursor here or .........?


    FETCH NEXT FROM patt INTO @patt,@tablename


    CLOSE patt


  • This is an ideal situation where a user-defined function would suit your need.

    Create one that accepts the int value and returns your 6-character string as output. I'd use the MODULO operator to determine if each place value was set. If you have things like 31 instead of 13, then change your input to character from int.

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