August 18, 2009 at 7:08 am
When I do the Logging from SSIS->Logging to SqlServer. The logging is done in SysdtsLog90.
Now When I run two packages both of them log into the same table and I dont have anything unique in the rows so as to identify which logging belongs to which package.
So I want to log Package Name into SysdtsLog90.
Please tell me how will I be able to create an extra column into SysdtsLog90 for inserting PackageName into SysdtsLog90
Orelse Please suggest me any field by which I will be able to identify the Logging for particular Package.
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August 18, 2009 at 1:49 pm
I would not recommend altering the schema on a system table. If you want to have more verbose pacakge logging, create your own logging table and edit your packages to log information into that table.
August 18, 2009 at 10:22 pm
Column SourceID contains the GUID that identifies each package. If you know the GUID for your packages, then a simple lookup table can be used to join to sysdtslog90.
If you copy an existing package, both will have the same GUID. You should generate a new GUID for the copied package if you do this. Go to the package properties in BIDS and you can generate a new GUID which will be used next time the package runs.
August 18, 2009 at 11:51 pm
I have DataFlow, Execute SQL task and like these control flow elements in my SSIS package diagram.
Each of these generate different source id... and even different execution id... in the sysdtslog90 table
And while SSIS Logging I am checking all these control flow elements and also there events
Is there any way by which I can generate a unique ExecutionId or SourceId for the whole package elements.
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