Inserting nulls

  • Apologies as this has probably been asked. I searched but couldn't find it.

    I have the following code:

            if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrgID) -eq $true)
    write-host "Null found"
    write-host "insert into dbo.Org(id,code) values ($OrgID,'$orgcode')"
    $sqlcomODS.CommandText="insert into dbo.Org(id,code) values ($OrgID,'$orgcode')"
    $sqlcomODS.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null is an int. I'm trying to deal with the fact that sometimes $orgid is null or blank and convert it to a null.

    For an empty/null value the output contains "Null found" so the if statement appears to work however the second write-host gives

    insert into dbo.Org(id,code) values (,'ABCD')

    and therefore generates a SQL syntax error.

    Is there a way of inserting nulls or do I have to switch to something like Write-DataTable?

    I know I could use an if statement to decide whether to include the field in the sql statement but I'm looking for something neater especially as I have several fields to manage.



  • replace your code with

    if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrgID) -eq $true)
    write-host "Null found"
    #$OrgID=[DBNull]::Value # not needed neither possible if $OrgID was defined as a int in PS
    write-host "insert into dbo.Org(id,code) values ($OrgID,'$orgcode')"

    # replace original line with one of the 2 options beelow
    #$sqlcomODS.CommandText="insert into dbo.Org(id,code) values ($OrgID,'$orgcode')"

    # any PS version
    #$sqlcomODS.CommandText="insert into dbo.Org(id,code) values ($(if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrgID)){"NULL"}else{$OrgID}),'$orgcode')"

    # PS 7 or higher
    #$sqlcomODS.CommandText="insert into dbo.Org(id,code) values ($([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($OrgID) ? "NULL" : $OrgID),'$orgcode')"
    $sqlcomODS.ExecuteNonQuery() | Out-Null

    but you should instead modify your code to use parameters instead of variable replacement - that way not only code can get better structured as it also prevents SQL Injection.

    plenty of examples on net - one here


  • dup post

  • Thanks for your help.

    The code you provided solved the issue and you are right I need to change it due to the SQL injection risk which I will do.

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