Inserting Null value in Date field

  • While inserting null value (passed from front end) in a table (through SP), it is inserting 1/1/1900 instead of Null value. How to avoid inserting 1/1/1900?


  • [font="Verdana"]Post your table structure. It seems, you nothing (Null) is passed to the date column, insert Default value. Eigther you need to alter table structure or let it as it is. By the way, is it creating any problem?



  • Hi,

    In table structure, If the column is NOT NULL, then it will take default Date.

    If it is ALLOW NULL, then try the following:

    use pubs;


    if exists(select name

    from sysobjects

    where name = 'ChangeDate' and type = 'p')

    drop procedure ChangeDate;


    create procedure ChangeDate

    @NewDate datetime


    begin try

    if( @NewDate = '')


    set @NewDate = NULL


    update employee set hire_date = @NewDate where fname = 'Paolo'

    select hire_date from employee where fname = 'Paolo'

    end try

    begin catch

    select ERROR_NUMBER() as ErrorNumber,

    ERROR_MESSAGE() as ErrorMessage

    end catch

    exec ChangeDate ''




  • Hi

    Is there any chance that the front-end supplies a default date - instead of the NULL?



  • Hi,

    If u r passing argument through the textbox, then change do the following.

    if (textBox1.Text == "" || textBox1.Text == null)


    textBox1 .Text = "03/23/2008";


    You can use like this, Right?

    Is this useful for you?

  • hi, thanks for reply

    My table is like

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[custom_table](

    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [int] NULL,

    [description] [varchar](3000) NULL,

    [Due_date] [datetime] NULL,

    [completed_date] [datetime] NULL,

    [isactiveflag] [int] NULL)

    and when we insert null values from sql query editor it is inserting null values. But, when insert procedure called from application and the null value (DBNull) passed for the date fields it is inserting 1/1/1900 (the insert query is a dynamic query).

    when again view that record on application it is showing the 1/1/1900 in the date fields in the application. For this we have to check for "1/1/1900".

    When I try to update the table again with null values where that date field is equal to 1/1/1900, it is updating with null value.

  • [font="Verdana"]

    ...and when we insert null values from sql query editor it is inserting null values. But, when insert procedure called from application and the null value (DBNull) passed for the date fields it is inserting 1/1/1900 (the insert query is a dynamic query). ...

    If so, then you have to check out from where the date value is being passed to the date parameter, and have to change it.



  • Yes maybe the stored proc is declaring a date variable and it assigns a default value for you?

  • I tried like this


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[custom_table](

    [id] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,

    [int] NULL,

    [description] [varchar](3000) NULL,

    [Due_date] [datetime] NULL,

    [completed_date] [datetime] NULL,

    [isactiveflag] [int] NULL)

    declare @insertsql varchar(2000), @dt1 datetime,@dt2 datetime, @desc varchar(100),@dt3 datetime

    set @desc = '123455descript'

    set @dt1 = ''

    set @dt2 = null

    set @dt3 = getdate()

    set @insertsql = 'insert into customer_table select 455,'+@desc+','+

    cast(isnull(@dt1,'') as varchar)+','+cast(isnull(@dt2,'') as varchar)+','+cast(1 as varchar)

    print @insertsql

    set @insertsql = 'insert into customer_table select 455,'+@desc+','+

    cast(isnull(@dt1,'') as varchar)+','+cast(isnull(@dt3,'') as varchar)+','+cast(1 as varchar)

    print @insertsql

    RESULT :

    insert into customer_table select 455,123455descript,Jan 1 1900 12:00AM,Jan 1 1900 12:00AM,1

    insert into customer_table select 455,123455descript,Jan 1 1900 12:00AM,May 23 2008 1:39PM,1

  • [font="Verdana"]

    set @insertsql = 'insert into customer_table select 455,'+@desc+','+

    cast(isnull(@dt1,'') as varchar)+ ','+cast(isnull(@dt2,'') as varchar)+','+cast(1 as varchar)

    why are you converting date variables to varchar as you are supposed to insert date?



  • declare @Date datetime

    select @Date

    select convert(varchar, @Date)

    select cast(isnull(@Date,'') as varchar)



    Jan 1 1900 12:00AM

    The above query illustrates what is happening - the cast - to a varchar and '' blank - sets the date to the Jan 1 1900 12:00AM - value



  • [highlight=#ffff11]why are you converting date variables to varchar as you are supposed to insert date?

    Mahesh [/highlight]

    If I don't convert date variables to varchar in that dynamic query it will give error (I am assigning total query to a variable @insertsql which is varchar)

    Msg 241, Level 16, State 1, Line 11

    Conversion failed when converting datetime from character string.

  • [font="Verdana"]

    If I don't convert date variables to varchar in that dynamic query it will give error (I am assigning total query to a variable @insertsql which is varchar)

    Think, if you will pass the date value instead of null, what will happen? Your query will still convert the date to varchar, and how it will insert such character value into date column? I think, prev developer have encountered the same problem, to resolv this he had made such changes so that in case of NULL, it will insert some constant date value.



  • Had a similar situation recently, where source usually sent nulls, and I cast the date as integer (YYYYMMDD).

    Suddenly they started sending blanks (''), and it defaulted to the date that you supplied.

    I got around this by using a case statement

    Case when fieldname = '' then Null else fieldname end

    Let me know if this helps


  • yes, the only 2 values that you want to insert is:

    * NULL - if no date supplied

    * the date supplied

    The above case statement would cater for the scenario that is being experienced



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