Inserting new and updating missing rows

  • Hi there all,

    I have a table stucture as:

    location, month, metric1, metric2,..metric100

    I want to update the rows in this table with newer data, which is in the same format as above. The combination of month and location becomes the key.

    1) So we can insert rows from the newer table if there is no key match.

    2) Where there is a match on this key, we need to replace the metric values.

    Can anyone suggest a neat way of doing this please ?

    Regards, Greg.

  • Look at using the Binary_checksum() function in SQL for all columns but the Business Key and meta data columns.





    Col1 = Source.Col1



    DestTable AS Destination

    JOIN SourceTable Source ON Source.BusnessKey=Destination.BusinessKey

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Look at using the Binary_checksum() function in SQL for all columns but the Business Key and meta data columns.





    Col1 = Source.Col1



    DestTable AS Destination

    JOIN SourceTable Source ON Source.BusnessKey=Destination.BusinessKey



    There can be a degree of Collision and Decimal columsn that change by a factor of 10 (10.1 and 101.00 are the same) dont show up in the algorthim.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Wouldn't MERGE be useful in this situation?

  • Really good post, keep them coming!!..

  • Thanks to you for responding. I am a newbie however, and wonder if a more worked example based on my dataset could be provided - possibly combining both techniques mentioned - if anyone out there knows how to do this ?

    Regards, Greg

  • greg.bull (3/10/2011)

    Thanks to you for responding. I am a newbie however, and wonder if a more worked example based on my dataset could be provided - possibly combining both techniques mentioned - if anyone out there knows how to do this ?

    Regards, Greg

    It's a bit difficult without knowing the exact structure of your source and destination tables. Hopefully the following can help.

    MERGE Destination AS D

    USING Source AS S

    ON (Source.BusnessKey=Destination.BusinessKey )


    THEN INSERT(....) VALUES(...)


    THEN UPDATE SET ... = ...

  • I mean, do I have to list all those 100 metric fields explicitly, to insert or update ?

    Can I try something like INSERT VALUES (B.*) !?


    UPDATE SET A.* = B.*

    I don't need to update my key fields though...


  • By the way, I can't us MERGE, need a SQL2005 solution.

  • greg.bull (3/10/2011)

    By the way, I can't us MERGE, need a SQL2005 solution.

    Why did you post this in the SQL2008 forum? Try posting this in the SQL2005 forum.

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