inserting multiple insert statement questions

  • Hi guys,

          I have multiple insert statements below

    what i want is if "ProductName1" or "ProductName2" etc .. field is null then i don't want the

    insert statement to execute

    @ProductName  nvarchar(40)

    INSERT INTO  Products (ProductName1 UnitPrice1

    VALUES (@ProductName1 @UnitPrice1

    INSERT INTO  Products2 (ProductName2, UnitPrice2)

    VALUES (@ProductName2, @UnitPrice2)

    INSERT INTO  Products3 (ProductName3, UnitPrice3)

    VALUES (@ProductName3,@UnitPrice3)

    INSERT INTO  Products4 (ProductName4, UnitPrice4)

    VALUES (@ProductName4,@UnitPrice4)

    INSERT INTO  Products5 (ProductName5, UnitPrice5)

    VALUES (@ProductName5,@UnitPrice5)

    Can i do :-

    IF @ProductName  = null






         INSERT INTO  Products (ProductName1 UnitPrice1

    VALUES (@ProductName1 @UnitPrice1


    Any ideas whats the best way to tackle this?




  • This:

    IF @ProductName  = null

    Should read:

    IF @ProductName is NULL

  • if @ProductName is not null
      insert Products(ProductName,UnitPrice)
      VALUES (@ProductName, @UnitPrice)

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • Thanks.

    But the thing is i have 6 insert statements FOR example below

    So can i do :-

    if  @ProductName,@ProductName1 is not null

      insert Products(ProductName,UnitPrice)

      VALUES (@ProductName, @UnitPrice)

     insert Products(ProductName,UnitPrice)

      VALUES (@ProductName1, @UnitPrice)

     insert Products(ProductName,UnitPrice)

      VALUES (@ProductName2, @UnitPrice)

     insert Products(ProductName3,UnitPrice)

      VALUES (@ProductName4, @UnitPrice)

     insert Products(ProductName,UnitPrice)

      VALUES (@ProductName5, @UnitPrice)

    insert Products(ProductName,UnitPrice)

      VALUES (@ProductName6, @UnitPrice)

    How can i check for the 6 parameters i'm interested in?

  • I think you're going to have to do the check for the value prior to each individual insert.


  • insert Products(ProductName,UnitPrice)

    select, V.up from(

     select @ProductName pn, @UnitPrice  up union all

    select @ProductName2, @UnitPrice2 union all
    select @ProductName3, @UnitPrice3 union all
    select @ProductName4, @UnitPrice4 union all
    select @ProductName5, @UnitPrice5 union all
    select @ProductName6, @UnitPrice6) V
    where is not null

    Tim Wilkinson

    "If it doesn't work in practice, you're using the wrong theory"
    - Immanuel Kant

  • Patrick,
    Do you have multiple product tables or one product table with multible productname fields?  From your first post to your second it changes.
    Either way, I believe you will have to check each @productname# variable for a non null value:  IF @ProductName# IS NOT NULL INSERT INTO Products? (..., ...) VALUES (..., ...).
    Dave N

  • I may have read your request incorrectly, but it seemed as if you were asking "If any of the six product names are null, don't insert any of them." If this is the case, then:

    -- If any parameter is null, this will return NULL by default

    -- NOTE: Settings on the server can affect this - TEST FIRST

    If (@ProductName1 + @ProductName2 + @ProductName3 + @ProductName4 + @ProductName5 + @ProductName6) Is Not Null


    ... inserts here


    If not, then your structure is more like:

    IF @ProductName1 Is Not Null

    INSERT INTO Products (ProductName UnitPrice

    VALUES (@ProductName1 @UnitPrice1

    IF @ProductName1 Is Not Null

    INSERT INTO Products (ProductName UnitPrice

    VALUES (@ProductName2 @UnitPrice2

    IF @ProductName1 Is Not Null

    INSERT INTO Products (ProductName UnitPrice

    VALUES (@ProductName3 @UnitPrice3

    IF @ProductName1 Is Not Null

    INSERT INTO Products (ProductName UnitPrice

    VALUES (@ProductName4 @UnitPrice4

    IF @ProductName1 Is Not Null

    INSERT INTO Products (ProductName UnitPrice

    VALUES (@ProductName5 @UnitPrice5

    IF @ProductName6 Is Not Null

    INSERT INTO Products (ProductName UnitPrice

    VALUES (@ProductName6 @UnitPrice6

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