Inserting Data from one table to another using loop to generate a specific number

  • Hi,

    I have a question & I think I know the answer but am struggling to get the exact result set I'm after.

    I currently have one table (source) where i have an up to date list of items.


    ID INT (Identity 1,1),

    Description VARCHAR(100)

    Example of the Source Dataset is as below

    1, Furniture

    2, BathroomCare

    I then have another table (target) where i need to insert the description into it and generate a certain number which is an increment of 1000 each time.


    ID INT (IDENTITY 1,1),

    ItemCategoryID INT,

    Description VARCHAR(100)

    Example of the Target Dataset is as below

    1, 1000, Electronic

    2, 1100, Homeware

    3, 1200, Gardening

    Outcome/end goal:

    I need to create a script that will produce the following results as you can see it grabbed the MAX(ItemCategoryID) 1200 first, added 1000 then inserted Source.ID = 1 with itemCategoryID 1300, then done the same thing for the next records.

    1, 1000, Electronic

    2, 1100, Homeware

    3, 1200, Gardening

    4, 1300, Furniture

    5, 1400, BathroomCare

    Currently im trying to use a WHILE loop but i've only ever done this where i use SCOPE_IDENTITY()because i'm passing through a unique value this time im not. I've also created temporary tables to store just description in @a etc

    Any idea's/help would be appreciated.



    EDIT: spelling errors

  • do you want this type of query

    declare @itemlist table


    ID INT Identity (1,1),

    Descs VARCHAR(100)


    declare @item table


    ID INT Identity (1,1),

    ItemCategoryID VARCHAR(100),

    Descs VARCHAR(100)


    insert into @itemlist

    select * from






    a (name)

    insert into @item

    select * from







    a (id,name)

    DECLARE @max-2 INT =(SELECT MAX(ItemCategoryID) FROM @item)

    INSERT INTO @item

    select (ROW_NUMBER() over (order by a.Id))*100 +@MAX,a.Descs

    from @itemlist a

    left join @item b on a.Descs=b.Descs

    SELECT * FROM @item

  • Its a good solution by BriPan,

    although you can get away without doing the lookup of the max ItemCategoryId, as long as you can be sure that the Identity column on the target table doesnt have any holes by using

    Declare @Base int =1000

    select @Base+((Row_NUMBER() OVER(Order by a.ID)-1)+SCOPE_IDENTITY())*100,a.Descs

    from @itemlist a

    left join @item b on a.Descs=b.Descs

    Where b.Desc is NULL

    I'm not sure why BriPan has the left join unless the there is a missing "Where b.Desc is NULL" missing from the insert statement to prevent duplicate descriptions occuring.

    Edit : Typo & Missing Where clause in SQL

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • Thanks guys,

    I had the same solution as BriPan up to the Row_Number statement - i had a while loop that would do it while a < b it worked but i thought to much logic in there for no apparent reason.

    Jason, there shouldnt be any holes but as anything never a guarantee... why the left join used im not sure cause there will never be that case as its a mapping table im bringing in only distinct values.

    Looks like i need to research the Row_Number values a little more as seems quiet valuable

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