Inserting Data from Another Database

  • Hello All,

         I want to know how to insert data from table which is on different database. for eg.

    suppose i have database with XYZ name

    and in that databaes i  have one table named abc

    there is also another database named QPR 

    which is also having table named abc

    now i want to copy the data from abc table which is in XYZ database into table abc which is in QPR

    wht will be the query for the insert statement?


    Plz help me out... Thx in Advance



  • Abhay

    Assuming both abc tables have an identical structure and are owned by dbo:




  • Thx for quick reply.

       But actually i want to select only some specific columns from abc table which

    for eg. there are 5 columns in abc table which is in XYZ database and i only want to select 2 columns from it. to insert into QPR database ABC table. its right that both the tables are owned by same user.


     I have tried the query. like.


    Into [QISPD2.dbo.VisitInfo] (VisitInfo.VisitId,VisitInfo.patientId,VisitInfo.admitDate,VisitInfo.VisitType,VisitInfo.spotriasUniqueId) Select visitInfo.visitId,visitInfo.patientId,visitInfo.admitDate,visitInfo.VisitType,visitInfo.spotriasUniqueId FROM [QISPD.dbo.visitInfo]

    But its giving me error like

    Invalid object name 'QISPD.dbo.visitInfo'.

    Plz help me out.


  • Abhay

    So it sounds like visitInfo doesn't exist in QISPD, or if it does it's not owned by dbo, or maybe you don't have permissions on it.  Or perhaps you have a case-sensitive collation and you haven't got the capitalisation right.  By the way, you don't need to put all those qualifiers on the columns.  This would be sufficient:

    Insert Into [QISPD2.dbo.VisitInfo] (VisitId, patientId, admitDate, VisitType, spotriasUniqueId)

    Select visitId, patientId, admitDate, VisitType, spotriasUniqueId FROM [QISPD.dbo.visitInfo]


  • John,

       Well as per your statement i have checked but its all correct over here. There is dbo user in both the database and also i am having all the rights for both the tables.

      But still it is giving same error. As far as case-sensitive collation is considered i have checked all the columns and both the database and it appears same as its in query.

    Please help me out. with this error. thx again.


  • Abhay

    I don't really know.  I take it both databases are on the same server?

    Do you get the same error if you just do this? SELECT * FROM QISPD.dbo.visitInfo

    What about this?


    SELECT * FROM visitInfo

    If you run this query, does the table name appear in the result set?




  • John,

     Ya. both the database are on the same server. And even all the queries are executing without any error. even the schema tables are showing the name of the tables in there respective database.

     But still i dont know why the query is giving error.


  • Abhay

    Does this work?


    Insert Into QISPD2.dbo.VisitInfo (VisitId, patientId, admitDate, VisitType, spotriasUniqueId)

    Select visitId, patientId, admitDate, VisitType, spotriasUniqueId FROM visitInfo



  • Sorry

    Invalid object name 'qispd2.dbo.visitInfo


  • Abhay

    If I had to put money on it, I'd say that your tables aren't owned by dbo.  You've confirmed that both tables are owned by the same user, and you've also confirmed that there is a user called dbo in both databases.  But you haven't explicitly stated that dbo owns the tables.  Please will you check this.

    You could also try referring to the tables in the form QISPD..visitInfo.


  • Hello John,

         Thx a lot for your quick administration and efforts. Finally it worked. Actually the problem was that there was foriegn key given for qispd table. because of which it was giving error while inserting data. when i updated the values from the parent table the same query worked withoug any error.

     once again thx for your great assistance. Looking foward for same in near future.



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