Inserting a Row into a recordset

  • Well this is sort on the same lines:

    I have the following recordset:

    ConsultantID Mthly1stLinePORSales YTDTeamSalesTotal PeriodEndDate

    -------------------- --------------------------------------- --------------------------------------- -----------------------

    0000344 37127.33 108941.81 2007-11-30 00:00:00.000

    0000344 25964.23 81966.08 2007-12-31 00:00:00.000

    0000344 14517.54 36757.56 2008-01-31 00:00:00.000

    0000344 15572.44 62879.91 2008-02-29 00:00:00.000

    But the issues comes in that I need to have the remaining period endates (monthly periods) returned even though they don't have a associated row. I have set up a temp table that contains all period end dates for the year but do not know how to join it in to get the missing period enddate inserrted into the recordset.

    Sorry you probably need the code:

    DECLARE @consultantID VARCHAR(20)

    DECLARE @StartDt DateTime

    DECLARE @EndDt DateTime


    SET @ConsultantID = '0000344'

    SET @StartDt = '11/01/2007'

    SET @EndDt = '10/31/2008'

    Set @EndDt = DATEADD(month, DATEDIFF(month, 0, @EndDt)+1, 0)

    SELECT Endtime As PeriodEndDate INTO #Temp1 FROM Appperioddate v

    WHERE v.EndTime >= @StartDt

    AND v.Endtime <=@EndDt

    --SELECT * from #Temp1

    --ORDER BY 1

    --DROP TABLE #Temp1


    select v.ConsultantID

    --,(Select c.firstname + ' ' + Lastname) AS ConsultantName

    ,v.SaleAmountLevelOne AS Mthly1stLinePORSales

    --,v.SaleAmountLevelTwo AS Mthly2ndLinePORSales

    --,v.SaleAmountLevelThree AS Mthly3rdLinePORSales

    --,v.PurchaseAmount AS MthlyPORSalesLessCredits

    ,(v.SaleAmountLevelOne+v.SaleAmountLevelTwo+v.SaleAmountLevelThree) AS YTDTeamSalesTotal


    --WHEN v.PurchaseAmount/15000 <=1 THEN 0

    --ELSE v.PurchaseAmount/15000

    --END as 'TotalPersonalSalesCalculatedPoints'


    From Volume v

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Consultant c ON v.ConsultantID = c.ConsultantID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN #Temp1 t On v.PeriodEndDate = t.PEriodEndDate

    WHERE v.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID

    AND v.PeriodEndDate >= @StartDt

    AND v.PeriodEndDate <@EndDt

    GROUP BY v.ConsultantID








    ORDER BY v.PeriodENdDate Asc

    Drop Table #Temp1

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • Tomm Carr (3/19/2008)

    Am I missing something or are you guys making this much more difficult than it should be? In general, you can do this:


    from whatever-to-get-original-resultset



    from whatever-to-append-to-resultset

    Of course you can, Tomm, and it's probably the best - though not the only - way of achieving what Art is aiming for. Bedtime here in the UK, it's all yours mate.



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • But if I use the union statem to append my temp table that has only periodenddates won't that just add all the the periodenddated from the temp table regardless if they are already used.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

  • Yes. But in reading your original post, I thought that's what you wanted when you said, "regardless if they have data for them."

    Tomm Carr
    Version Normal Form --

  • Tomm Carr (3/19/2008)

    Yes. But in reading your original post, I thought that's what you wanted when you said, "regardless if they have data for them."

    Yep Tomm, you're right: But the issues comes in that I need to have the remaining period endates (monthly periods) returned even though they don't have a associated row. I have set up a temp table that contains all period end dates for the year but do not know how to join it in to get the missing period enddate inserrted into the recordset.

    Use the table of period end dates as the first table in your FROM clause.

    This whole thread is getting confusing because tables seem to appear and disappear roughly according to the weather. Art, can we establish a starting point and build from there? Here's what I propose you start with - it's a simplification of the original query in your first post.

    The first thing you want to do is to check that the date range is working: when you run the query, the range of dates returned is complete and consistent with your date range variables.

    It's a foundation, and it's important to get it right: there's more than one way to do what you want. If this solution - let's call it Solution A - won't work or works too slowly then we go to Solution B.

    DISTINCT v.Endtime As PeriodEndDate







    ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), ols.ORderCreateDate,101) AS [OrderCreateDate]

    ,'G' + CONVERT(VARCHAR(20), ols.ORderGroupNumber) AS [OrderGroupNumber]







    ,ols.TSODiscountAmount AS [TSODiscounts] -- Correct this later

    ,ols.ConsultantDiscountAmount AS [NONTSODiscounts] -- Correct this later


    ,b.MaxShippedDate AS ShippedDate

    ,'N/A' AS [ShipDate] -- Correct this later

    ,ols.ShipToFirstName + ' ' + ols.ShipToLastName AS ShipToName





    ,h.FirstName + ' ' + h.LastName AS ConsultantName

    FROM AppPeriodDate v

    LEFT OUTER JOIN [uvw_OrderListingSummary] ols

    ON DATEPART(month, ols.OrderCreateDate) = DATEPART(month, v.Endtime) -- may have to include year component as well

    LEFT OUTER JOIN Consultant h

    ON h.consultantid COLLATE SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS = ols.[ConsultantID]

    --AND h.ConsultantID = @ConsultantID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN (SELECT OrderGroupNumber, OrderNumber, MAX(ShippedDate) AS MaxShippedDate

    FROM dbo.OrderFormLineItem

    GROUP BY OrderGroupNumber, OrderNumber) AS b

    ON b.OrderGroupNumber = ols.OrderGroupNumber

    AND b.OrderNumber = ols.OrderNumber

    WHERE v.EndTime >= @StartDt

    AND v.Endtime <=@EndDt -- may have to cast these as date component of datetime if they have a time component



    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Maybe this needs to be a new thread. Rules have changed and now I need to create a matrix so I thank everybody for their help. I did get the original issue solvesd with your input.

    Database Analyst
    Tastefully Simple, Inc.
    " Some days, it's not even worth chewing through the restraints!

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