Insert with exec and query

  • Hi, could someone please let me know how I can code an insert statement which both exec's an SP and runs a statement.  I want to be able to do something like -

    exec sp_MSforeachdb @command1 =

    'insert #temptable EXEC master.dbo.sp_helprotect @username = ''public''  ,  select db_name()'

    So that the temp table contains the result of sp_helpprotect and the db name

    Thanks very much in anticipation

  • Add dbname column to end of your #temptable and try this

    exec sp_MSforeachdb @command1 = 'USE [?]'

    ,@command2='insert #temptable (Owner,Object,Grantee,Grantor,ProtectType,[Action],[Column]) EXEC master.dbo.sp_helprotect @username = ''public'''

    ,@command3='update #temptable set dbname=''?'' where dbname is null'

    Far away is close at hand in the images of elsewhere.

  • Thats just what I wanted, thanks David!

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