insert trigger update fields

  • Hi

    I have 3 tables t_order, t_order_his, t_order_key.

    (1) t_order table

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t_order](

    [id_order] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL,

    [date_document] [datetime] NULL,

    [description] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [order_ref] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [active] [bit] NOT NULL,

    [date_inserted] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [id_user_inserted] [int] NULL,

    [date_modified] [datetime] NULL,

    [id_user_modified] [int] NULL,

    [date_deleted] [datetime] NULL,

    [id_user_deleted] [int] NULL,

    (2) t_order_his table :table to keep history for table t_order

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t_order_his](

    [id_order_his] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL,

    [id_order] [int] NULL,

    [date_document] [datetime] NULL,

    [description] [varchar](20) NULL,

    [order_ref] [varchar](15) NULL,

    [active] [bit] NOT NULL,

    [date_inserted] [datetime] NOT NULL,

    [id_user_inserted] [int] NULL,

    [date_modified] [datetime] NULL,

    [id_user_modified] [int] NULL,

    [date_deleted] [datetime] NULL,

    [id_user_deleted] [int] NULL,

    [trigger_mode] [char](1) NOT NULL,

    (3) t_order_key : table to create order_ref

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[t_order_key](

    [id_order_key] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT FOR REPLICATION NOT NULL,

    [year] [int] NULL,

    [serial_number] [int] NULL,

    Now I have 3 triggers on t_order:

    --- (1) insert trigger ----

    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_logging_i_order] ON [dbo].[t_order]




    --- (A) order_ref

    declare @key int

    begin transaction

    select @key = serial_number

    from t_order_key

    where year = YEAR(getDate())

    SET @key = @key + 1

    update t_order_key

    set serial_number = @key

    where year = YEAR(getDate())

    commit transaction

    update t_order

    set order_ref = 'MF-' + RIGHT('000'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR,YEAR (getDate))),4) + '-' + RIGHT('000000'+ CONVERT(VARCHAR,@key),7)


    inserted i


    i.id_order = t_order.id_order

    --- (B) fill table t_order_his

    insert into t_order_his

    ( id_order,

    , date_document

    , description

    , order_ref

    , active

    , date_inserted

    , id_user_inserted

    , date_modified

    , id_user_modified

    , date_deleted

    , id_user_deleted

    , trigger_mode




    , date_document

    , description

    , order_ref

    , active

    , date_inserted

    , id_user_inserted

    , date_modified

    , id_user_modified

    , date_deleted

    , id_user_deleted

    , 'I'

    from inserted


    --- (2) update trigger ----

    ALTER TRIGGER [dbo].[tr_logging_u_order] ON [dbo].[t_order]




    --- (A) fill table t_order_his

    insert into t_order_his

    ( id_order,

    , date_document

    , description

    , order_ref

    , active

    , date_inserted

    , id_user_inserted

    , date_modified

    , id_user_modified

    , date_deleted

    , id_user_deleted

    , trigger_mode




    , date_document

    , description

    , order_ref

    , active

    , date_inserted

    , id_user_inserted

    , date_modified

    , id_user_modified

    , date_deleted

    , id_user_deleted

    , 'U'

    from inserted





    (1) In insert trigger i have to get a serial number to modify the field order-ref. The last used serial is in the t_malfunction_key table.

    Is this the right way to do it... It works but???

    (2) I want my t_order_his to be logical in order. Now because i change the field order_ref i have a problem. Flow insert a record

    (A) The trigger tr_logging_i_order is fired

    (B) field order_ref is updated

    (C) because of update order_ref the trigger tr_logging_u_order is fired

    So in table t_order_his is a record created with trigger_mode =


    (D) now part 2 of insert trigger is executed. So now in table t_order_his

    is a record inserted with trigger_mode = I

    So what do i have to change that there is only 1 record in t_order_his with trigger_mode = Inserted?

    Thank you


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  • Hi

    This stays a problem.

    - insert in t_order

    I want that the for insert trigger tr_logging_i_order creates 1 record with trigger_mode 'I' (insert) in table t_order_his.

    But because in the for insert trigger tr_logging_i_order we have to update the order_ref. The for update trigger is fired and this inserts also a record in the table t_order_his. So after the insert this is in the t_order_his

    => 2 records

    id_order_his id_order order_ref trigger_mode

    27 88 MF-2011-0000088 U

    28 88 NULL I

    I want after an insert only 1 record

    id_order_his id_order order_ref trigger_mode

    27 88 MF-2011-0000088 I

    How can i do this?

    Thank you


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  • No almost,

    in t_order_his is now one record

    but in t_order there is no record because of instead of trigger.

    This insert in t_order has to happen ??

    Other suggestion??

    Thank you


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  • yes it works

    sorry the insert in t_order i didn't seen


    Thank you

    Wheel 😉

  • Hi,

    Another question follows :w00t:

    now i want to use a stored procedure to insert a record in table t_order with this instead trigger

    INSERT t_order (


    , description

    , active

    , date_inserted

    , id_user_inserted


    values ('2011-03-15','testing',1,'2011-03-15',123)

    id_order is the unique identity field. Now i want to know which key he has inserted.

    I tought SCOPE_IDENTITY would be the answer. But it gives null.

    I need to know the key of t_order (id_order) in the current session across all scopes.

    What do i have to use to succeed?

    Thank you


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