Insert statement after adding a column

  • This seems like a really simple thing to do, but I need some help.

    I currently have a table with 2 main columns, fee type code and margin, that looks like:

    FeeTypeCode Margin

    ADJ Gathering Revenue

    ADMN Gathering Revenue

    CASH Processing Revenue

    GATH Gathering Revenue

    MIN Processing Revenue

    I've added an additional column, called FeeTypeLevel1.

    How to I insert values into the new column based on the Margin column

    I want the altered table to look like:

    FeeTypeCode Margin FeeTypeLevel1

    ADJ Gathering Revenue Gathering Fee

    ADMN Gathering Revenue Gathering Fee

    CASH Processing Revenue Processing Fee

    GATH Gathering Revenue Gathering Fee

    MIN Processing Revenue Processing fee

    Thanks in advance, let me know if I can clarify.

  • The main you have not yet received a response is because your question has no details. We need ddl and sample data at a bare minimum. Please read the article at the first link in my signature for best practices when posting questions.

    Taking your sparse description and sample I came up with this.

    create table #Table


    FeeType varchar(10),

    Margin varchar(50)


    insert #Table

    select 'ADJ', 'Gathering Revenue' union all

    select 'ADMN', 'Gathering Revenue' union all

    select 'CASH', 'Processing Revenue' union all

    select 'GATH', 'Gathering Revenue' union all

    select 'MIN', 'Processing Revenue'

    alter table #Table

    add FeeTypeLevel1 varchar(50)

    update #Table

    set FeeTypeLevel1 = replace(Margin, 'Revenue', 'Fee')

    select * from #Table

    drop table #Table

    This seems to work for your sample but no real clues if it is correct.

    I would recommend that you look at normalizing your data. Maybe have a MarginType table or something so you don't have the full description repeated over and over?


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  • That makes sense, sorry for the lack of details. Thanks!

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