INSERT SELECT uses only 1 CPU core with TABLOCK option - how to optimize?

  • Hi all,

    I am currently into ETL scripts performance tuning. What I do is, that I try to optimize logic of queries to get as high CPU utilization as possible. It's a 16 core machine with SQL Server 2016 and I want to avoid having a query run only on a single core.

    As I am new to the optimization theme, I still have to learn.

    I am using the activity monitor to track CPU and I/O performances.

    A lot of queries just do simple transformations from input to output, .e.g.:

    INSERT INTO <targetTable> WITH (TABLOCK)
    SELECT IIF(<Logic 1>) AS <targetColumn1>, IIF(<Logic 2>) AS <targetColumn1>
    FROM <sourceTable>
    WHERE <filterColumn> = "<filterCritera>"

    As no other service does any transaction to the target table, I am using TABLOCK option to speed things up (arround 20% better INSERT times).

    However, when running such queries only one CPU core is used. I have tried it with all 3 types of log levels of the database, but nothing changed (I have read that from SQLSVR2008+ the engine uses minimal logging automatically, doesn't it?)

    How can I optimize INSERT SELECT queries?



  • Just forgot to mention that this is mostly the case when using window functions like row_number() or DISTINCT SELECTs.

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