Insert query generating error

  • SKYBVI (6/9/2011)

    ALZDBA (6/9/2011)

    Please post the full ddl of your object tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn

    (i.e. script its create statement including all indexes and constraints )

    USE [RTW]


    /****** Object: Table [dbo].[tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn] Script Date: 06/09/2011 09:28:20 ******/







    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn](

    [tcsFLST_AttribGroup] [char](21) NOT NULL,

    [tcsFLST_ItemAtrib] [char](21) NOT NULL,

    [ITEMNMBR] [char](31) NOT NULL,

    [SEQNUMBR] [int] NOT NULL,

    [DEX_ROW_ID] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,



    [tcsFLST_AttribGroup] ASC,

    [tcsFLST_ItemAtrib] ASC,



    ) ON [PRIMARY]



    Your script doesn't include the ddl for your AK3tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn.

    Deducting from the name AK3 would be alternate key 3 = unique index/constraint)

    Please script all indexes and constraints !


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  • SKYBVI (6/10/2011)

    Don Urquhart (6/10/2011)

    It looks to me like you are inserting only the ITEMNUMBER field, with no values for the key fields (tcsFLST_AttribGroup,[tcsFLST_ItemAtrib) which can not be NULL. You need to have some way of specifying values for these fields, either by assigning them yourself somehow, or by making them identities.

    I have data for tcsFLST_AttribGroup and tcsFLST_ItemAtrib...

    How do i insert all 3 columns values at a time( itemnmbr values will be derived from the query but other 2 column vlaues are fixed and I know)

    For ex...each insert in itemnmbr column values should have 'x' in tcsFLST_AttribGroup

    and 'y' in tcsFLST_ItemAtrib

    How to do that.



    You could use something like:

    Insert into RTW.dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn(tcsFLST_AttribGroup,

    tcsFLST_ItemAtrib, ITEMNMBR)

    Select 'x', 'y', ITEMNMBR from IV00101 where ITEMNMBR not in


    Select ITEMNMBR from dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn


    and ITEMTYPE = 1 and ITEMNMBR not like '%-%';

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!,

    Don Urquhart

  • @ ALZDBA

    USE [RTW]


    /****** Object: Index [AK3tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn] Script Date: 06/10/2011 16:12:41 ******/

    CREATE UNIQUE NONCLUSTERED INDEX [AK3tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn] ON [dbo].[tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn]


    [tcsFLST_AttribGroup] ASC,

    [tcsFLST_ItemAtrib] ASC,





    Sushant Kumar

  • Don Urquhart (6/10/2011)

    SKYBVI (6/10/2011)

    Don Urquhart (6/10/2011)

    It looks to me like you are inserting only the ITEMNUMBER field, with no values for the key fields (tcsFLST_AttribGroup,[tcsFLST_ItemAtrib) which can not be NULL. You need to have some way of specifying values for these fields, either by assigning them yourself somehow, or by making them identities.

    I have data for tcsFLST_AttribGroup and tcsFLST_ItemAtrib...

    How do i insert all 3 columns values at a time( itemnmbr values will be derived from the query but other 2 column vlaues are fixed and I know)

    For ex...each insert in itemnmbr column values should have 'x' in tcsFLST_AttribGroup

    and 'y' in tcsFLST_ItemAtrib

    How to do that.



    You could use something like:

    Insert into RTW.dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn(tcsFLST_AttribGroup,

    tcsFLST_ItemAtrib, ITEMNMBR)

    Select 'x', 'y', ITEMNMBR from IV00101 where ITEMNMBR not in


    Select ITEMNMBR from dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn


    and ITEMTYPE = 1 and ITEMNMBR not like '%-%';

    Ohh, same error again 🙁

    Sushant Kumar

  • SKYBVI (6/10/2011)

    Don Urquhart (6/10/2011)

    SKYBVI (6/10/2011)

    Don Urquhart (6/10/2011)

    It looks to me like you are inserting only the ITEMNUMBER field, with no values for the key fields (tcsFLST_AttribGroup,[tcsFLST_ItemAtrib) which can not be NULL. You need to have some way of specifying values for these fields, either by assigning them yourself somehow, or by making them identities.

    I have data for tcsFLST_AttribGroup and tcsFLST_ItemAtrib...

    How do i insert all 3 columns values at a time( itemnmbr values will be derived from the query but other 2 column vlaues are fixed and I know)

    For ex...each insert in itemnmbr column values should have 'x' in tcsFLST_AttribGroup

    and 'y' in tcsFLST_ItemAtrib

    How to do that.



    You could use something like:

    Insert into RTW.dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn(tcsFLST_AttribGroup,

    tcsFLST_ItemAtrib, ITEMNMBR)

    Select 'x', 'y', ITEMNMBR from IV00101 where ITEMNMBR not in


    Select ITEMNMBR from dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn


    and ITEMTYPE = 1 and ITEMNMBR not like '%-%';

    Ohh, same error again 🙁

    Just saw the index for AK3tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn & it include field SEQNUMBR which is also not assigned in your query. You would need to include a value for it as well, with the combination of the three keys being unique. If the values for the tcsFLST_AttribGroup and

    tcsFLST_ItemAtrib fields are hard coded, the value for SEQNUMBR would have to be unique.

    If you don't stand for something, you'll fall for anything!,

    Don Urquhart

  • In your query you are only checking on itemnumber.

    The index is on three columns, including sequencenumber, the other two are the same columns a with the PK except itemnumber.

    You should modify your query to test the full index columns of the pk as well as all columns of the AK3.


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  • ALZDBA (6/11/2011)

    In your query you are only checking on itemnumber.

    The index is on three columns, including sequencenumber, the other two are the same columns a with the PK except itemnumber.

    You should modify your query to test the full index columns of the pk as well as all columns of the AK3.

    Ok, So,tht means I have to put all 4 column values in the query..

    Is it possible that I generate a random number and put in SEQNMBR values thru the query?



    Sushant Kumar

  • Of course you could use the rownumber or rank functions to just generate a sequence number, but IMHO that column must have had a reason and usage rules during design of your data model.

    The rank may help out actually starting seq from 1 per "other column combination".

    Check books online.


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  • Yes, i checked out the seqnumbr values, each value goes on increasing by 16384..

    That means I have to check the max value of seqnumbr and then increment it by 16384 each time...

    I tried doing it by this code :---

    Insert into RTW.dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn(ITEMNMBR,tcsFLST_AttribGroup,tcsFLST_ItemAtrib,SEQNUMBR)

    VALUES ( 'XP1171','ITEM TYPE','SALES INVENTORY','811352064')

    --(*811352064 = max seqnumbr value + 16384)

    I was able to insert that particular 'XP1171' item number..:)

    Is there a way to automate it in the original query :-

    Select ITEMNMBR from IV00101 where ITEMNMBR not in


    Select ITEMNMBR from dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn


    and ITEMTYPE = 1 and ITEMNMBR not like '%-%'

    Itemnmbr from above query, Other 2 column values fixed as 'ITEM TYPE','SALES INVENTORY' and then seqnumbr is max value + increment of 16384 each time...




    Sushant Kumar

  • How about this:

    Select ITEMNMBR

    , ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select 1)) * 16384 as SeqNumbr

    from IV00101

    where ITEMNMBR not in ( Select ITEMNMBR

    from dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn )

    and ITEMTYPE = 1

    and ITEMNMBR not like '%-%'


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  • ALZDBA (6/16/2011)

    How about this:

    Select ITEMNMBR

    , ROW_NUMBER() over (order by (select 1)) * 16384 as SeqNumbr

    from IV00101

    where ITEMNMBR not in ( Select ITEMNMBR

    from dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn )

    and ITEMTYPE = 1

    and ITEMNMBR not like '%-%'

    Thats nice , but the only problem is that its giving values of seqnumbr starting from 16384, whereas in my underlying table the maximum value of seqnumbr is 811352064, so I want to start from that and increment it by 16384 each time...

    How to change so that each time when the code runs, it scans hte max value of seqnumbr and then increment it by 16384 each time.

    Sorry, im not a developer,




    Sushant Kumar

  • why aren't you just making that column an identity column.

    alter table x

    alter column seqnr bigint identity( yourstartvalue, yourincrementvalue ) ;

    Keep in mind, you should no longer insert that column ! it's value will be provided by the engine.

    insert into yourtable ( your column list except the seqnr column )

    select your column list except the seqnr column

    from ....


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  • ALZDBA (6/18/2011)

    why aren't you just making that column an identity column.

    alter table x

    alter column seqnr bigint identity( yourstartvalue, yourincrementvalue ) ;

    Keep in mind, you should no longer insert that column ! it's value will be provided by the engine.

    insert into yourtable ( your column list except the seqnr column )

    select your column list except the seqnr column

    from ....

    I guess, a table can have only 1 identity column and i already have dex_row_id as the identity column,

    So thatsy when I try to make the SEQNUMBR an identity column, i am not able to..

    Sushant Kumar

  • I'm sorry to have overlooked you already had the identity property in use :blush:

    Performance may be an issue it you don't have an index for the seqnumber column

    Select T.Itemnumber

    , T.SeqNumbr + Cur.MaxSeqNumbr

    from (

    Select ITEMNMBR

    , ROW_NUMBER() over ( order by (

    select 1

    ) ) * 16384 as SeqNumbr

    from IV00101

    where ITEMNMBR not in ( Select ITEMNMBR

    from dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn )

    and ITEMTYPE = 1

    and ITEMNMBR not like '%-%'

    ) T

    outer apply (

    Select MAX(seqnumber) as MaxSeqNumbr

    from dbo.tcsINVTB00026_AttribAsgn

    ) Cur


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  • @ alzdba

    That was it.

    THANKS A LOT !!!

    Its little bit difficault to understand but iam trying 🙂



    Sushant Kumar

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