insert or update according the field value

  • Hi. I try to write a stored procedure. First, if record exists, it will look at recordtime. If recordtime is null, it updates record time, else it updates updatedtime. I write a code like below:

    set @isexist=(select count(*) from GNL_OgretmenDevamsizlikGirisLog

    where OgretmenID=@ogretmenID

    and DersYiliID=@dersyiliID

    and SinifID=@sinifID

    and DersID=@dersID


    Convert(date,GirisTarihi) = Convert(date,getdate())





    I will write update code in if state. But I could not write. how can I control recordtime and updatedtime, and update one of them.


  • Don't run the if exists statement because 2 sessions can run at the same time and both will get 0 and try to insert the same record. Also this way you are accessing the table twice. You can run the update statement first and if it didn't find any record to update, then insert a new record. Bellow is a small demonstration:

    UPDATE GNL_OgretmenDevamsizlikGirisLog

    SET COL1 = 'SomeValue',

    COL2 = CASE WHEN COL2 IS NULL THEN GETDATE() ELSE COL2 END, --update the column only if the old value is null


    IF @@ROWCOUNT = 0

    INSERT INTO GNL_OgretmenDevamsizlikGirisLog (...


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  • -- "upsert"

    UPDATE GNL_OgretmenDevamsizlikGirisLog SET

    recordtime = CASE WHEN recordtime IS NULL THEN @Newtime ELSE recordtime END,

    updatedtime = CASE WHEN recordtime IS NULL THEN updatedtime ELSE @Newtime END

    WHERE OgretmenID = @ogretmenID

    AND DersYiliID = @dersyiliID

    AND SinifID = @sinifID

    AND DersID = @dersID

    AND CAST(GirisTarihi AS DATE) = CAST(getdate() AS DATE)

    IF @@ROWCOUNT > 0


    INSERT INTO GNL_OgretmenDevamsizlikGirisLog ...


    -- or MERGE, which is an expensive way to perform single-row upserts

    “Write the query the simplest way. If through testing it becomes clear that the performance is inadequate, consider alternative query forms.” - Gail Shaw

    For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
    Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
    Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden

  • Should I use below bode?

    set @isexist=(select count(*) from GNL_OgretmenDevamsizlikGirisLog

    where OgretmenID=@ogretmenID

    and DersYiliID=@dersyiliID

    and SinifID=@sinifID

    and DersID=@dersID


    Convert(date,GirisTarihi) = Convert(date,getdate())





  • sa.ordekci (7/16/2013)

    Should I use below bode?

    set @isexist=(select count(*) from GNL_OgretmenDevamsizlikGirisLog

    where OgretmenID=@ogretmenID

    and DersYiliID=@dersyiliID

    and SinifID=@sinifID

    and DersID=@dersID


    Convert(date,GirisTarihi) = Convert(date,getdate())





    I think Chris have already done your homework... refer his post please

    To get quick answer follow this link:

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