insert missing rows from table1 to table2, both use identity columns

  • i am writing a routine in Delphi program (ado) that allows my users select 2 tables and finds the missing rows in one table and inserts them into another table. Here is the reasoning behind it all.

    1) user copies table1 to table1_save

    a) 'select * into table1_save from table1'

    b) in the background my program also creates the indexes in table1_save based upon the indexes in table1

    now the user runs another program that may delete rows from table1 or change rows in table1

    2) an option on the screen of my program allows them to copy all the rows from table1_save back to table1. (already worked out the logic)

    3) This option is the one i am trying to get going.

    a) if the user simply needs to put any MISSING rows back into table1

    b) different tables have different unique indexes (sometimes multiple unique indexes) and they all have an identity column

    I need to...

    1) get a list of the columns in the unique indexes

    then i can create my command in delphi to look for missing rows

    Is this the only way to insert random columns back into table1 or is there another way?

  • To reinsert the rows that were copied from table1 into table1_save, and subsequently deleted from table1, keeping the original identity value:


    INSERT INTO table1 (list of all columns INCLUDING the identity column)

    SELECT (list of all columns)

    FROM table1_save t1s

    LEFT JOIN table1 t1

    ON t1.PK = t1s.PK

    WHERE t1.PK IS NULL -- t1.PK is not in the table


    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

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  • That's pretty much what i have for inserting all records from table1_save back to table1 after deleting all the records from table1, with the exception of the test on the .PK.

    these tables don't have a PK (unique indexes and identity column). So there in lies my stumbling block. how do i get a listing of the columns that are in a unique index. possibly multiple indexes have unique option.

    its a very unorganized database.

    uses unique indexes as a means to address a PK but uses an identity column.

    is there anything in the syscolumns that indicates that a column is in a unique index or am i going to have to go thru sysindexes figuring out which ones are unique?

  • Does this get you the data that you're looking for?

    SELECT [IndexName] =,

    [IndexPos] = sik.keyno,

    [Column Name] =

    FROM sysindexes si

    JOIN sysobjects so

    ON = so.parent_obj

    AND =

    AND so.xtype = 'uq'

    JOIN sysindexkeys sik

    ON =

    AND si.indid = sik.indid

    JOIN syscolumns sc

    ON =

    AND sik.colid = sc.colid

    ORDER BY, sik.keyno

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
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    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • that will work for what i need. now i can just use that information to link the 2 tables missing rows.

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