Insert into table

  • I am running backend SQL2000 and front end Access 2003 ADP. I have a view created on two tables and a Form on the view. Form has some fields and user enter the information and click the save to insert the records to new table. In the form has two date field one system date which is fills automattically when Form opens and second date field user enters the date.

    I am able to insert all the records to new table without system date field and date enter by user

    This is new table:

    Field name         Data Type

    ID                      numeric 9 0 

    Letter_Date         datetime 8 0 

    Dealer_Name        nvarchar 50 0 

    CUDL_APP_NUM    nvarchar 50 0 

    Note                   text 16 0 

    Funding               bit 1 1 

    Delay_funding       bit 1 1 

    Return_Date         datetime 8 0 

    Here is code for SAVE button:

    Private Sub frmDlrLtrUndo_Click()

    Dim strSql As String 'Store the sql text

    Dim cn As ADODB.Connection  'Connection object

        On Error GoTo ErrMsg

        '// storing the values of the text boxes on the ADP form to Table C

        '//and making the sql statement and storing in the variable strsql

        strSql = "INSERT INTO Letter_Dealer (Letter_date, Dealer_Name, CUDL_APP_NUM, Note, Funding, Delay_funding, Return_date) VALUES (" _

                                      & Format(Trim([Forms]![CUDL Letter]![Letter_Date]), "dd/mm/yyyy") & " ,'" _

                                      & Trim([Forms]![CUDL Letter]![Dealer_Name]) & " ','" _

                                      & Trim([Forms]![CUDL Letter]![CUDL_APP_NUM]) & "','" _

                                      & Trim([Forms]![CUDL Letter]![Note]) & "','" _

                                      & Trim(IIf([Forms]![CUDL Letter]![funding] = True, 1, 0)) & "','" _

                                      & Trim(IIf([Forms]![CUDL Letter]![delay_funding] = True, 1, 0)) & "'," _

                                      & Format(Trim([Forms]![CUDL Letter]![Return_Date]), "dd/mm/yyyy") & ");"


        Set cn = CurrentProject.Connection 'Setting the connection object

        cn.BeginTrans 'Begin the transaction

        cn.Execute strSql, adAffectCurrent 'executing the sqlstatement stored in strsql

        cn.CommitTrans 'Commiting the transaction


        'Trapping the error

        If Err.Number > 0 Then

            MsgBox Err.Number & ":" & Err.Description, vbCritical

        End If

    End Sub


    Here is the new table after entered some records:

    112:00:00 AMFolsom Imports 3814943retrttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttTrueFalse1/1/1900
    212:00:00 AMLithia Toyota of Vacaville 1retrttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttTrueFalse1/1/1900
    312:00:00 AM1ST CHOICE AUTO 13retrttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttTrueFalse1/1/1900



  • I'm not entirely sure what your question is, but I'm guessing you're wanting different dates to get through to SQL Server.  Have you tried doing a debug.print or a msgbox (or inputbox, so that you can copy it easier) to see what strSQL contains before you execute it?  Have you tried copying that string into Query Analyzer to see what SQL will do with it there.  Maybe this would help you see where things aren't going according to your plans.


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