insert into permanent table using cte

  • Good morning all

    I would like to add the result of a multiple query in a table

    the goal is to have this formathere is my request

    ;with cte as

    INSERT INTO newtable
    select * cte

    here is my request

    with echantillontemp as (
    Ref_Contrat = v.Contract_ID + '-' + format('0'+ rank() over (partition by v.Contract_ID order by v.sor_ident),'0#')
    ,num_piece= convert(int,format('0'+ rank() over (partition by v.Contract_ID order by v.sor_ident),'0#'))
    ,MaxNumeroVersion = max(v."Numéro Version")
    ,MinNumeroVersion = min(v."Numéro Version")
    ,NumAliment = v.Contract_ID

    from Base_versions v
    inner join Base_Risques r on r.[pol_numpol contract_id]=v.Contract_ID
    inner join Base_mouvements m on m.Contract_ID=v.Contract_ID
    inner join RemonteePerimetreContrats rp on rp.num_aliment=v.Contract_ID

    --where v.Contract_ID = 'COYP02617'--'FORP07402'
    group by v.sor_ident ,v.Contract_ID

    , echantillontemp2 as(
    select e.*,v.Situation
    from echantillontemp e
    join Base_versions v
    on v.Contract_ID = e.NumAliment
    and v."Numéro Version" = e.MinNumeroVersion

    ,echantillon as (

    select e.*,d_echeance = dateadd(day,-1,dateadd(year
    datediff(month,r.[pol_datdeb initial_policy_effect_date],r.[Date debut periode risque]/*r.[Date fin de periode risque]*/)/12
    ,r.[pol_datdeb initial_policy_effect_date]))

    from echantillontemp2 e
    join Base_versions v
    on v.Contract_ID = e.NumAliment
    and v.sor_ident = e.sor_ident
    and v."Numéro Version" = e.MaxNumeroVersion

    left join Base_Risques r
    on r.[pol_numpol contract_id] = e.NumAliment
    and r.[sor_ident contract_update_id] = e.sor_ident
    and r.[Type conducteur] = 'PRINCIPAL'
    and v.[Numéro Version] = e.MaxNumeroVersion


    ,ref_produit =r.[pas_libelle_produit affinity]
    ,t_hta = r.[PM totale HT]
    ,tt_an = r.[PM totale TTC] - r.[PM totale HT]
    ,t3_ttc = r.[PM totale TTC]
    ,fca = '0'
    ,p_ciale = r.[PM totale TTC] + 0
    ,formule = r.formula
    ,formule_code = 'voir referentiel formule'
    ,formule_ass = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,etat_c = case when v.cancellation_reason = 'Pour non paiement de prime' and v.Status_ID = '2' then 3
    case when v.cancellation_reason is null and v.Status_ID = '2' then 2
    Else case v.Status_ID when '1' then 1 when '3' then 5 when '4' then 3 when '6' then 7 when '7' then 7
    else -1

    ,d_fin_etat = r.[Date fin de periode risque]
    ,nature = case when v.Situation='SUS' then v.Situation else echantillon.Situation end
    ,d_effet = r.[Date debut periode risque]
    ,d_echeance = echantillon.d_echeance
    ,m_paiement = v.Type_of_payment
    ,m_frac =r.Fractionnement
    ,d_sous = dateadd(hour,num_piece-1+8,convert(smalldatetime,r.[Date debut periode risque]))
    ,origine = 'Reprise_SA2020'
    ,mode_conn = 'Reprise_SA2020' --r.[Canal d entree]
    ,auteur = 'CORTEX'
    ,d_effet_c =r.[pol_datdeb initial_policy_effect_date]
    ,t_hta_p = convert(decimal(12,2),
    datediff(day,r.[Date debut periode risque] , isnull(r.[Date fin de periode risque],echantillon.d_echeance))
    r.[PM totale HT]
    / datediff(day,r.[Date debut periode risque],echantillon.d_echeance)
    ,tt_an_p = convert(decimal(12,2),
    datediff(day,r.[Date debut periode risque] , isnull(r.[Date fin de periode risque],echantillon.d_echeance))
    r.[PM totale TTC]
    / datediff(day,r.[Date debut periode risque],echantillon.d_echeance)
    datediff(day,r.[Date debut periode risque] , isnull(r.[Date fin de periode risque],echantillon.d_echeance))
    r.[PM totale HT]
    / datediff(day,r.[Date debut periode risque],echantillon.d_echeance)
    ,t3_ttc_p = convert(decimal(12,2),
    datediff(day,r.[Date debut periode risque] , isnull(r.[Date fin de periode risque],echantillon.d_echeance))
    r.[PM totale TTC]
    / datediff(day,r.[Date debut periode risque],echantillon.d_echeance)

    ,fca_p = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,p_ciale_p = 'Non Obligatoire'

    ,id_apporteur = 'A renseigner liaison code courtier'
    ,id_vendeur = 'A renseigner liaison vendeur par defaut de la concession'
    ,code_cour_1 = UPPER(left(replace(r.[pas_libelle_produit affinity],' ',''),4)) + convert(varchar(20),r.[Code concession automobile])
    ,tx_cour_1 = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,com_apporteur = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,frais_courtage = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,coeff_courtage = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,code_cour_2 = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,tx_cour_2 = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,copef = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,is_precompte = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,tx_precompte_1 = 'Non Obligatoire'
    ,tx_precompte_2 = 'Non Obligatoire'

    ,n_ctg = r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id]

    ,formule_ass2 = Case When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3361' and r.[PM_Ass. 0Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then '921439'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3601' and r.[PM_Ass. 0Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then '921586'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3661' and r.[PM_Ass. 0Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then '921558'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3481' and r.[PM_Ass. 0Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then '?'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3181' and r.[PM_Ass. 0Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then '921406'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3361' and r.[M_Ass. 25Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then 'Néant'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3601' and r.[M_Ass. 25Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then 'Néant'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3661' and r.[M_Ass. 25Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then '921800'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3481' and r.[M_Ass. 25Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then 'Néant'
    When r.[pol_ptrpasid product_id] = '3181' and r.[M_Ass. 25Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then 'B9214060002'
    else ' '

    ,ID_Compagnie ='7400'
    ,ID_assisteur_1 = case when r.[PM_Ass. 0Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then '7600'
    when r.[M_Ass. 25Km Mondial Ass] > 0 then '7600'
    else ''

    ,ID_assisteur_2 = case when r.[PM_Def. Pen. et Rec. PRO] > 0 then '4300'
    else ''
    ,ID_erreur = ' '
    ,Integration_commentaire =' '


    join Base_versions v
    on v.Contract_ID = echantillon.NumAliment
    and v.sor_ident = echantillon.sor_ident
    and v."Numéro Version" = echantillon.MaxNumeroVersion

    left join Base_Risques r
    on r.[pol_numpol contract_id] = echantillon.NumAliment
    and r.[sor_ident contract_update_id] = echantillon.sor_ident
    and r.[Type conducteur] = 'PRINCIPAL'
    and v."Numéro Version" = echantillon.MaxNumeroVersion

    inner join Base_clients c
    on c.client_id = echantillon.Client_ID

    --AND [pol_numpol contract_id]='FORP07402'

    order by Ref_Contrat

    thank you for your help


    • This topic was modified 5 years, 4 months ago by  samirca007.
  • You have stated your requirement, but what is your question? What have you tried and what were the results?

  • If newtable exists ...

    ;with cte as
    select col1, col2, ...
    from ...

    insert into newtable (col1, col2, ...)
    select col1, col2, ...
    from cte

    If newtable does not exist

    ;with cte as
    select col1, col2, ...
    from ...
    select *
    into newtable
    from cte


  • Note also that it is good practice to

    a) Explicitly name the columns you are INSERTing to

    b) Avoid SELECT * (unless the number of columns and their names has no effect whatsoever on the script's logic)

    c) Use the semicolon as a terminator, not an initiator

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