Insert into perm table where doesn't exist from temp table

  • I thought this was simple and I guess not, missing a piece maybe:

    There is a file that is continously appended to during the day, every few minutes my SSIS package goes out uploads the data into a temp table from the temp table I wana put data into a perm table but only the data that is new, this can be determined by the "DateRan" field which contains date and time.

    This is what I wrote:

    insert into LapLine_InString


























    from tmp_LapLineData_InString

    where tmp_LapLineData_InString.DateRan != LapLine_InString.DateRan

    Now I get the error :

    The multi-part identifier "LapLine_InString.DateRan" could not be bound.

    Is there more I need to add? Am I missing a piece?


  • You need to use a NOT EXISTS clause (see below)

    insert into LapLine_InString


























    from tmp_LapLineData_InString

    where NOT EXISTS (Select 1 From LapLineData_InString

    Where LapLineData_InString.DateRan = tmp_ LapLine_InString.DateRan)

    That should only load data from the tmp table where the DateRan is not in the Permenant table.

    SSC Guide to Posting and Best Practices

  • :w00t: Thank you, thank you!!

    I tried to use the EXISTS command but the couple ways I did it were wrong.

    Appreciate it!! 😀

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