Insert Into

  • This runs in line with my previous post.

    I put my combines notes into a table AllNotes with 2 columns Userid and Notes

    I want to insert the Notes into an existing table in another DB. The UserID is common to both, however there are more UserID's in the 2nd DB than in AllNotes. UserID is unique in each table so there is no duplicate within one table.

    I did this script

    Insert into DB1.dbo.Client (Notes)

    Select DB2.dbo.AllNotes.notes

    From DB2.dbo.AllNotes inner join

    DB1.dbo.Client on cid=UserID

    I get this error

    "Msg 512, Level 16, State 1, Procedure trClient_IOIns, Line 20

    Subquery returned more than 1 value. This is not permitted when the subquery follows =, !=, <, <= , >, >= or when the subquery is used as an expression.

    The statement has been terminated."

    I know there are no duplicate ID's

  • It doesn't look like a message you can get from that statement.

    Are you sure there's no trigger on the table?

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • I didn't design DB1 so I can't say for sure. But I can't find anything.

    I imported a bunch of stuff earlier and it went fine

    I just tried with one client by adding

    where clientid=23680

    to the end and it worked fine

    scratch that it said it completed, but when I look in the DB1 the Notes field is still NULL

    ok found trigger, trying to read through it and get around it (disabled it, then I hit a constraint error)

    at least I'm learning something today

  • Ok, so I disabled the trigger. then I got a constraint error so I disbaled the constraint checking on insert. then I get a Primary Key error about inserting duplicate userid. I must have something wrong in my insert statement, I don't want to insert new userid's I just want to insert the notes from allnotes table into the clients table where the cid in allnotes =userid in clients

  • If you just want to update table Client, you must use an UPDATE statement:

    UPDATE DB1.dbo.Client

    SET Notes = DB2.dbo.AllNotes.notes

    FROM DB1.dbo.Client

    INNER JOIN DB2.dbo.AllNotes

    ON cid=UserID

    If you also want to insert missing rows, you could use the MERGE statement:

    MERGE INTO DB1.dbo.Client AS Target

    USING (

    SELECT UserId, Notes

    FROM DB2.dbo.AllNotes.notes

    ) AS Source (UserId, Notes)

    ON Target.cid = Source.UserId


    THEN UPDATE SET Target.Notes = Source.Notes


    THEN INSERT (cid, Notes) VALUES (Source.UserId, Source.Notes);

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Gianluca Sartori (6/17/2010)

    If you just want to update table Client, you must use an UPDATE statement:

    UPDATE DB1.dbo.Client

    SET Notes = DB2.dbo.AllNotes.notes

    FROM DB1.dbo.Client

    INNER JOIN DB2.dbo.AllNotes

    ON cid=UserID

    If you also want to insert missing rows, you could use the MERGE statement:

    MERGE INTO DB1.dbo.Client AS Target

    USING (

    SELECT UserId, Notes

    FROM DB2.dbo.AllNotes.notes

    ) AS Source (UserId, Notes)

    ON Target.cid = Source.UserId


    THEN UPDATE SET Target.Notes = Source.Notes


    THEN INSERT (cid, Notes) VALUES (Source.UserId, Source.Notes);

    DOH! now I feel stupid.. I knew that. guess I got caught up in fixing it rather than looking at what was wrong.


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