Insert header Record

  • l've got this procedure that l wrote. l have three problems. It runs for too long on a small record set.l suspect my error handling technique is the cause. Whats the best way of applying error handling and trap the records with errors and inset them in an exceptions table.

    The other thing is how do l bcp the file to a specific directory and insert the header reocord in the exported file. l've tried xp_cmdshell with the echo statement no luck please assist. 


    IF Object_Id('prcInsertNewMatters') Is Not Null

    DROP PROC  prInsertNewMatters


    CREATE PROCEDURE prcInsertNewMatters




    | Name:      dbo.prcInsertNewMatters                                                |

    | Author:    Raymond M                                                         |

    | Date:      09-11-2004                                                               |


    | Purpose:     Insert CI Daily Newmatters                          |

    | Input Parameters: None                |


    | Narration :  This Procedure populates tbNewmatters with new matters on a daily basis|

    |        Writes Into tbLoadAudit the Table Name,Rows inserted & the Server Name |

    |                                      |

    | Modifications: 09-11-2004  -  Raymond M               |                                            


    DECLARE @IntErrorCode   INT

    SELECT  @IntErrorCode =  @@ERROR


    DECLARE @TotalBalance   NUMERIC(13,2)

    ---Declare the variables to contain the BCP command

    DECLARE @FileName   VARCHAR(50),

            @bcpCommand   VARCHAR(2000)

    DECLARE @Today  VARCHAR(10)

    SET @Today = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10),'2004-11-05',120 ),'-','/')


    IF      @IntErrorCode = 0



     TRUNCATE TABLE tbNewMatters

     --insert new matters

     INSERT INTO tbNewMatters















     /** Check if the Ci client has an ABIL ClientNo & Populate the Field

         Otherwise generate one from custcode



      WHEN c.IdentificationNumber IS NULL





     AS  CustomerReference

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(15)   ,   a.CustCode           ) AS AccountReference   

        ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2) ,   a.Arrears            ) AS OverDueBal      

              /** To get Date Format of YYYY/MM/DD **/



         CHAR(10),a.AccountOpenDate,120  ),'-','/'

                    ) AS TransactionDate

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(3)    ,'ZAR'                   ) AS Currency                  

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(3)    ,'EN'                    ) AS Language


       ,LTRIM(LTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(4),NULL))) AS AttorneyCurrent      

     /** Translate Flags to ABIL Flags **/


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 1   THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),143


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 2   THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),850


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 130

      OR   a.AgencyNumber  =  3  THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),400




      END  AS ReasonCode

      ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0)  ,Null           ) AS TakeonPrevReasonCode 

      ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2) ,a.Instalments  ) AS InstalmentAmount 


     tbDevD2TNewClient a (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN 

     tbClient          c (NOLOCK)


     ON a.IDNumber = c.IdentificationNumber


     /** Format Date into the required yyyy/mm/dd **/


      CONVERT(CHAR(10),a.DateReceived,120 ),'-','/') = @Today

            AND a.AgencyNumber <> 0   

     /** Short Delay Before Next Statement Executes **/

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

     /** Update The ClientNumber.Add 6000000 to the 5 character

             CustomerReference to Generate the  ABClientNumber


     UPDATE      tbNewMatters

     SET      CustomerReference   = CONVERT(INT,CustomerReference) + 6000000

     WHERE LEN(CustomerReference) <= 5

     ---Get The Rowcount to Create an entry for the header


     PRINT '<<<<<<<  Procedure Completed SuccessFully>>>>> ' + '   ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),111) + '  '+


    &nbsp + '  Rows Inserted'

     ---Calculate the OverdueBalance to Create an entry for the header

     SET @TotalBalance = (SELECT SUM(OverDueBal)  FROM tbNewmatters)

     SELECT @IntErrorCode = @@ERROR


     --Create the Temp Table to Contain The HeaderDetails

     IF OBJECT_ID('HeaderDetails') IS NOT NULL

     DROP TABLE HeaderDetails

     CREATE TABLE HeaderDetails


      HeaderDetails VARCHAR(8000)



     ---Insert Header Details

     INSERT INTO HeaderDetails


        CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(), 111         )

          + ','+ CONVERT(VARCHAR      ,@ROWS            )

               + ','+ CONVERT(VARCHAR      ,@TOTALBALANCE    )


     PRINT '<<<<< Procedure header Details inserted SuccessFully >>>' + ','+ ' '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR,@ROWS)

       + 'Rows Inserted Into Header Details File'+ ','


    &nbsp + '  OverdueBalance'

     /** Short Delay Before Next Statement Executes **/

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

     --Move Files to Arat\c:\Dir\*.txt" " \\Fungi\mapped network Drive\dir\archive

     EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell 'MOVE "\\Arat\c:\Dir\*.txt" "\\Fungi\C:\Dir\Archive\"'

     --Delete Old files

     EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell 'DEL "\\Arat\c:\Load\dir\*.txt"'


     --Set the Format for the output file

     SET @FileName =


     --Generate the Bcp Command

     SET @bcpCommand ='bcp "SELECT * FROM Project_CStage..tbNewMatters" queryout "'

     SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + @FileName + '" -U sa -P sa -c'

     EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand

     PRINT 'File Extracted to C:\Tallyman Daily Loads ' + '  ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),111) 


     IF  @IntErrorCode = 0




      RETURN @IntErrorCode



    Need some insight. Need fresh ideas

    How do l bcp the data out to a specific location ie  c:\DailyFiles\

    How do l insert the header record into exported textfile ???? Tried xp_cmdshell with echo had no luck

    is this the best way to handle errors....? How do l insert failed records into an exception table

    Move my files from local server to another machine. My move and del statements not working well


    IF Object_Id('prcInsertNewMatters') Is Not Null

    DROP PROC  prInsertNewMatters


    CREATE PROCEDURE prcInsertNewMatters




    | Name:      dbo.prcInsertNewMatters                                                |

    | Author:    Raymond Mahlangu                                                         |

    | Date:      09-11-2004                                                               |


    | Purpose:     Insert CI Daily Newmatters                          |

    | Input Parameters: None                |


    | Narration :  This Procedure populates tbNewmatters with new matters on a daily basis|

    |        Writes Into tbLoadAudit the Table Name,Rows inserted & the Server Name |

    |                                      |

    | Modifications: 09-11-2004  -  Raymond Mahlangu (Perfromance Tuning)               |                                            


    DECLARE @IntErrorCode int

    Select  @IntErrorCode = @@error


    DECLARE @TotalBalance Numeric(13,2)

    DECLARE @Today  VARCHAR(10)

    SET @Today = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10),'2004-11-05',120 ),'-','/')


    IF      @IntErrorCode = 0



     TRUNCATE TABLE tbNewMatters

     --insert new matters

     INSERT INTO tbNewMatters















     /** Check if the Ci client has an ABIL ClientNo & Populate the Field

         Otherwise generate one from custcode



      WHEN c.IdentificationNumber IS NULL





     AS  CustomerReference

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(15)   ,   a.CustCode           ) AS AccountReference   

        ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2) ,   a.Arrears            ) AS OverDueBal      

              /** To get Date Format of YYYY/MM/DD **/



         CHAR(10),a.AccountOpenDate,120  ),'-','/'

                    ) AS TransactionDate

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(3)    ,'ZAR'                   ) AS Currency                  

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(3)    ,'EN'                    ) AS Language


       ,LTRIM(LTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(4),NULL))) AS AttorneyCurrent      

     /** Translate Flags to ABIL Flags **/


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 1   THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),143


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 2   THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),850


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 130

      OR   a.AgencyNumber  =  3  THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),400




      END  AS ReasonCode

      ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0)  ,Null           ) AS TakeonPrevReasonCode 

      ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2) ,a.Instalments  ) AS InstalmentAmount 


     tbDevD2TNewClient a (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN 

     tbClient          c (NOLOCK)


     ON a.IDNumber = c.IdentificationNumber


     /** Format Date into the required yyyy/mm/dd **/


      CONVERT(CHAR(10),a.DateReceived,120 ),'-','/') = @Today

            AND a.AgencyNumber <> 0   

     /** Short Delay Before Next Statement Executes **/

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

     /** Update The ClientNumber.Add 6000000 to the 5 character

             CustomerReference to Generate the  ABClientNumber


     UPDATE      tbNewMatters

     SET      CustomerReference   = CONVERT(INT,CustomerReference) + 6000000

     WHERE LEN(CustomerReference) <= 5

     ---Get The Rowcount to Create an entry for the header


     PRINT '<<<<<<<  Procedure Completed SuccessFully>>>>> ' + '   ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),111) + '  '+


    &nbsp + '  Rows Inserted'

     ---Calculate the OverdueBalance to Create an entry for the header

     SET @TotalBalance = (SELECT SUM(OverDueBal)  FROM tbNewmatters)

     SELECT @IntErrorCode = @@ERROR


     --Create the Temp Table to Contain The HeaderDetails

     IF OBJECT_ID('HeaderDetails') IS NOT NULL

     DROP TABLE HeaderDetails

     CREATE TABLE HeaderDetails


      HeaderDetails VARCHAR(8000)



     ---Insert Header Details

     INSERT INTO HeaderDetails


        CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(), 111         )

          + ','+ CONVERT(VARCHAR      ,@ROWS            )

               + ','+ CONVERT(VARCHAR      ,@TOTALBALANCE    )


     PRINT '<<<<< Procedure header Details inserted SuccessFully >>>' + ','+ ' '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR,@ROWS)

       + 'Rows Inserted Into Header Details File'+ ','


    &nbsp + '  OverdueBalance'

     /** Short Delay Before Next Statement Executes **/

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

     --Move Files to Arat\c:\Dir\*.txt" " \\Fungi\mapped network Drive\dir\archive

     EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell 'MOVE "\\Arat\c:\Dir\*.txt" "\\Fungi\C:\Dir\Archive\"'

     --Delete Old files

     EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell 'DEL "\\Arat\c:\Load\dir\*.txt"'

     ---BCP the Data to a textfile and concatenate the Date and extension

     DECLARE @FileName varchar(50),

             @bcpCommand varchar(2000)


     --Set the Format for the output file

     SET @FileName = REPLACE('c:\CLT__'+CONVERT(char(10),GETDATE(),120)+'.txt','/','-')

     --Generate the Bcp Command

     SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "SELECT * FROM Project_CStage..tbNewMatters" queryout "'

     SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + @FileName + '" -U sa -P sa -c'

     EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand

     PRINT 'File Extracted to C:\Tallyman Daily Loads ' + '  ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),111) 


     IF  @IntErrorCode = 0




      RETURN @IntErrorCode




    Need some insight. Need fresh ideas

    How do l bcp the data out to a specific location ie  c:\DailyFiles\

    How do l insert the header record into exported textfile ???? Tried xp_cmdshell with echo had no luck

    is this the best way to handle errors....? How do l insert failed records into an exception table

    Move my files from local server to another machine. My move and del statements not working well


    IF Object_Id('prcInsertNewMatters') Is Not Null

    DROP PROC  prInsertNewMatters


    CREATE PROCEDURE prcInsertNewMatters




    | Name:      dbo.prcInsertNewMatters                                                |

    | Author:    Raymond Mahlangu                                                         |

    | Date:      09-11-2004                                                               |


    | Purpose:     Insert CI Daily Newmatters                          |

    | Input Parameters: None                |


    | Narration :  This Procedure populates tbNewmatters with new matters on a daily basis|

    |        Writes Into tbLoadAudit the Table Name,Rows inserted & the Server Name |

    |                                      |

    | Modifications: 09-11-2004  -  Raymond Mahlangu (Perfromance Tuning)               |                                            


    DECLARE @IntErrorCode int

    Select  @IntErrorCode = @@error


    DECLARE @TotalBalance Numeric(13,2)

    DECLARE @Today  VARCHAR(10)

    SET @Today = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10),'2004-11-05',120 ),'-','/')


    IF      @IntErrorCode = 0



     TRUNCATE TABLE tbNewMatters

     --insert new matters

     INSERT INTO tbNewMatters















     /** Check if the Ci client has an ABIL ClientNo & Populate the Field

         Otherwise generate one from custcode



      WHEN c.IdentificationNumber IS NULL





     AS  CustomerReference

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(15)   ,   a.CustCode           ) AS AccountReference   

        ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2) ,   a.Arrears            ) AS OverDueBal      

              /** To get Date Format of YYYY/MM/DD **/



         CHAR(10),a.AccountOpenDate,120  ),'-','/'

                    ) AS TransactionDate

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(3)    ,'ZAR'                   ) AS Currency                  

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(3)    ,'EN'                    ) AS Language


       ,LTRIM(LTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(4),NULL))) AS AttorneyCurrent      

     /** Translate Flags to ABIL Flags **/


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 1   THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),143


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 2   THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),850


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 130

      OR   a.AgencyNumber  =  3  THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),400




      END  AS ReasonCode

      ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0)  ,Null           ) AS TakeonPrevReasonCode 

      ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2) ,a.Instalments  ) AS InstalmentAmount 


     tbDevD2TNewClient a (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN 

     tbClient          c (NOLOCK)


     ON a.IDNumber = c.IdentificationNumber


     /** Format Date into the required yyyy/mm/dd **/


      CONVERT(CHAR(10),a.DateReceived,120 ),'-','/') = @Today

            AND a.AgencyNumber <> 0   

     /** Short Delay Before Next Statement Executes **/

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

     /** Update The ClientNumber.Add 6000000 to the 5 character

             CustomerReference to Generate the  ABClientNumber


     UPDATE      tbNewMatters

     SET      CustomerReference   = CONVERT(INT,CustomerReference) + 6000000

     WHERE LEN(CustomerReference) <= 5

     ---Get The Rowcount to Create an entry for the header


     PRINT '<<<<<<<  Procedure Completed SuccessFully>>>>> ' + '   ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),111) + '  '+


    &nbsp + '  Rows Inserted'

     ---Calculate the OverdueBalance to Create an entry for the header

     SET @TotalBalance = (SELECT SUM(OverDueBal)  FROM tbNewmatters)

     SELECT @IntErrorCode = @@ERROR


     --Create the Temp Table to Contain The HeaderDetails

     IF OBJECT_ID('HeaderDetails') IS NOT NULL

     DROP TABLE HeaderDetails

     CREATE TABLE HeaderDetails


      HeaderDetails VARCHAR(8000)



     ---Insert Header Details

     INSERT INTO HeaderDetails


        CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(), 111         )

          + ','+ CONVERT(VARCHAR      ,@ROWS            )

               + ','+ CONVERT(VARCHAR      ,@TOTALBALANCE    )


     PRINT '<<<<< Procedure header Details inserted SuccessFully >>>' + ','+ ' '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR,@ROWS)

       + 'Rows Inserted Into Header Details File'+ ','


    &nbsp + '  OverdueBalance'

     /** Short Delay Before Next Statement Executes **/

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

     --Move Files to Arat\c:\Dir\*.txt" " \\Fungi\mapped network Drive\dir\archive

     EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell 'MOVE "\\Arat\c:\Dir\*.txt" "\\Fungi\C:\Dir\Archive\"'

     --Delete Old files

     EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell 'DEL "\\Arat\c:\Load\dir\*.txt"'

     ---BCP the Data to a textfile and concatenate the Date and extension

     DECLARE @FileName varchar(50),

             @bcpCommand varchar(2000)


     --Set the Format for the output file

     SET @FileName = REPLACE('c:\CLT__'+CONVERT(char(10),GETDATE(),120)+'.txt','/','-')

     --Generate the Bcp Command

     SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "SELECT * FROM Project_CStage..tbNewMatters" queryout "'

     SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + @FileName + '" -U sa -P sa -c'

     EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand

     PRINT 'File Extracted to C:\Tallyman Daily Loads ' + '  ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),111) 


     IF  @IntErrorCode = 0




      RETURN @IntErrorCode




    Need some insight. Need fresh ideas

    How do l bcp the data out to a specific location ie  c:\DailyFiles\

    How do l insert the header record into exported textfile ???? Tried xp_cmdshell with echo had no luck

    is this the best way to handle errors....? How do l insert failed records into an exception table

    Move my files from local server to another machine. My move and del statements not working well


    IF Object_Id('prcInsertNewMatters') Is Not Null

    DROP PROC  prInsertNewMatters


    CREATE PROCEDURE prcInsertNewMatters




    | Name:      dbo.prcInsertNewMatters                                                |

    | Author:    Raymond Mahlangu                                                         |

    | Date:      09-11-2004                                                               |


    | Purpose:     Insert CI Daily Newmatters                          |

    | Input Parameters: None                |


    | Narration :  This Procedure populates tbNewmatters with new matters on a daily basis|

    |        Writes Into tbLoadAudit the Table Name,Rows inserted & the Server Name |

    |                                      |

    | Modifications: 09-11-2004  -  Raymond Mahlangu (Perfromance Tuning)               |                                            


    DECLARE @IntErrorCode int

    Select  @IntErrorCode = @@error


    DECLARE @TotalBalance Numeric(13,2)

    DECLARE @Today  VARCHAR(10)

    SET @Today = REPLACE(CONVERT(CHAR(10),'2004-11-05',120 ),'-','/')


    IF      @IntErrorCode = 0



     TRUNCATE TABLE tbNewMatters

     --insert new matters

     INSERT INTO tbNewMatters















     /** Check if the Ci client has an ABIL ClientNo & Populate the Field

         Otherwise generate one from custcode



      WHEN c.IdentificationNumber IS NULL





     AS  CustomerReference

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(15)   ,   a.CustCode           ) AS AccountReference   

        ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2) ,   a.Arrears            ) AS OverDueBal      

              /** To get Date Format of YYYY/MM/DD **/



         CHAR(10),a.AccountOpenDate,120  ),'-','/'

                    ) AS TransactionDate

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(3)    ,'ZAR'                   ) AS Currency                  

       ,CONVERT(VARCHAR(3)    ,'EN'                    ) AS Language


       ,LTRIM(LTRIM(CONVERT(CHAR(4),NULL))) AS AttorneyCurrent      

     /** Translate Flags to ABIL Flags **/


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 1   THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),143


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 2   THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),850


      WHEN a.AgencyNumber  = 130

      OR   a.AgencyNumber  =  3  THEN CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0),400




      END  AS ReasonCode

      ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(3,0)  ,Null           ) AS TakeonPrevReasonCode 

      ,CONVERT(NUMERIC(13,2) ,a.Instalments  ) AS InstalmentAmount 


     tbDevD2TNewClient a (NOLOCK) LEFT OUTER JOIN 

     tbClient          c (NOLOCK)


     ON a.IDNumber = c.IdentificationNumber


     /** Format Date into the required yyyy/mm/dd **/


      CONVERT(CHAR(10),a.DateReceived,120 ),'-','/') = @Today

            AND a.AgencyNumber <> 0   

     /** Short Delay Before Next Statement Executes **/

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

     /** Update The ClientNumber.Add 6000000 to the 5 character

             CustomerReference to Generate the  ABClientNumber


     UPDATE      tbNewMatters

     SET      CustomerReference   = CONVERT(INT,CustomerReference) + 6000000

     WHERE LEN(CustomerReference) <= 5

     ---Get The Rowcount to Create an entry for the header


     PRINT '<<<<<<<  Procedure Completed SuccessFully>>>>> ' + '   ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),111) + '  '+


    &nbsp + '  Rows Inserted'

     ---Calculate the OverdueBalance to Create an entry for the header

     SET @TotalBalance = (SELECT SUM(OverDueBal)  FROM tbNewmatters)

     SELECT @IntErrorCode = @@ERROR


     --Create the Temp Table to Contain The HeaderDetails

     IF OBJECT_ID('HeaderDetails') IS NOT NULL

     DROP TABLE HeaderDetails

     CREATE TABLE HeaderDetails


      HeaderDetails VARCHAR(8000)



     ---Insert Header Details

     INSERT INTO HeaderDetails


        CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(), 111         )

          + ','+ CONVERT(VARCHAR      ,@ROWS            )

               + ','+ CONVERT(VARCHAR      ,@TOTALBALANCE    )


     PRINT '<<<<< Procedure header Details inserted SuccessFully >>>' + ','+ ' '+ CONVERT(VARCHAR,@ROWS)

       + 'Rows Inserted Into Header Details File'+ ','


    &nbsp + '  OverdueBalance'

     /** Short Delay Before Next Statement Executes **/

     WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:05'

     --Move Files to Arat\c:\Dir\*.txt" " \\Fungi\mapped network Drive\dir\archive

     EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell 'MOVE "\\Arat\c:\Dir\*.txt" "\\Fungi\C:\Dir\Archive\"'

     --Delete Old files

     EXEC Master..xp_cmdShell 'DEL "\\Arat\c:\Load\dir\*.txt"'

     ---BCP the Data to a textfile and concatenate the Date and extension

     DECLARE @FileName varchar(50),

             @bcpCommand varchar(2000)


     --Set the Format for the output file

     SET @FileName = REPLACE('c:\CLT__'+CONVERT(char(10),GETDATE(),120)+'.txt','/','-')

     --Generate the Bcp Command

     SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp "SELECT * FROM Project_CStage..tbNewMatters" queryout "'

     SET @bcpCommand = @bcpCommand + @FileName + '" -U sa -P sa -c'

     EXEC master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand

     PRINT 'File Extracted to C:\Tallyman Daily Loads ' + '  ' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,GETDATE(),111) 


     IF  @IntErrorCode = 0




      RETURN @IntErrorCode








  • On your error handling question, you might want to read this:


    Frank Kalis
    Microsoft SQL Server MVP
    My blog:[/url]

  • Here's one way (of several) how to merge two files (ie header and data) into one...

    -- generate headerfile

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'echo Tally of Sysobjects >> c:\header.txt'

    -- generate datafile

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'bcp "select count(*) from master..sysobjects" queryout c:\data.txt -c -T'

    -- concatenate by using copy commands + operator

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'copy c:\header.txt + c:\data.txt c:\finalOutput.txt'


  • This works but problem is that it generates a '|'  like character when you merge the two files.How do l get rid of it. The Data file looks fine bu the header record file si the one that carries the funny character.. 

  • Tally of Sysobjects


    This is what the merged file looks like. That funny character causes errors when you try and re import that file into sql

  • What kind of errors? The funny char is there alright, but I could bcp it into a table without problems or errors.

    Anyways, to get rid of it, you can use the binary switch on the copy command.

    -- concatenate by using copy commands + operator

    exec master..xp_cmdshell 'copy /b c:\header.txt + c:\data.txt c:\finalOutput.txt'

    That should fix it.


Viewing 6 posts - 1 through 5 (of 5 total)

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