INSERT fails -error with views

  • Hi,

    I get an error message

    Cannot insert the value NULL into column '', table ''; column does not allow nulls. INSERT fails.

    when selecting from views based on several base tables:

    create view viewname (col1, col2, col3,...,coln)


    select 'T', '111', col3, ..., coln from table1


    select 'T', '222', col3, ..., coln from table2


    select 'T', '333', col3, ..., coln from table3



    select 'T', 'nnn', col3, ..., coln from anotherDB..tablem

    where n * m is lalways ess than 700 if that has any importance.

    Many of these queries run OK but some of them gives you the error mentioned above. In some ETL-workflows I could join two views like this and had to join the third one later in the ETL wf because of this error (but anyway two was joinable). The application from which I'm gathering data uses this kind of structure i.e. there is nothing I can do about the UNION thing should that be the problem...

    Any idea what might cause this error and any quic&dirty workarounds?

    Sql Server 7.0 on wint4 sp6. I'm not sure what is the version of ODBC drivers on the client computer..


  • Well, if all you are doing is SELECT then I would guess that the offending column in one of the tables in the VIEW is NOT NULLable.

    When the UNION operation happens the NOT NULL constraint is taking precedence in TEMPDB

  • This was my original idea too but

    I did check the nulls - none. Only NOT nullable fields were the ones in the PK's in the tables and none of them was null in any of the tables..?

    select,, B.isnullable

    from sysobjects A, syscolumns B

    where and B.isnullable = 0 and like 'vins%'

    order by



  • What happens if you create and explicit temporary table of the require structure and do several insert selects instead of the union query?

  • Hi,

    I found out that (in this case) the sql run OK when the 'order by' clause was removed. Well, the (Informatica ETL) lookup sql requires the condition colums to be ordered ==> I created another data flow inside the the workflow which loads the dimension data (with several UNIONs) into the target DW table without any order by and then use this table as the lookup source in the actual data flow. As expected, works fine.

    Still, the UNION-VIEW problem remains a mystery to me

    Thanks for your interest


  • Have you tried MAXDOP =1 ?

    * Noel

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